Are TE Members Picking Up New Recruiting Clients?
We recently conducted a poll of Top Echelon Network recruiters by posting a question in the Members’ Area.
That question was as follows:
How many new recruiting clients have you picked up since the first of the year?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:
- None — 15.6%
- One — 20.0%
- Two — 21.5%
- Three — 17.0%
- Four — 9.6%
- More than four — 16.3%
Okay, first for the bad news: 15.6% of Network members who participated in the poll haven’t picked up any new recruiting clients since the first of the year.
However, that bad news is not as bad as it seems. That’s because 84.6% of participants have picked up new recruiting clients.
The percentages were rather evenly spread out, with 21.5% of TE members picking up two new clients, 20.0% picking up one and 17.0% snagging three. What’s interesting, though, is that 16.3% of poll respondents have landed “more than four” new clients since January 1!
That makes me wonder if we should have included “five” and “six” as possible answers, as well . . . and how many recruiters would have answered “more than six.”
Just like the results of last week’s poll, these results appear to be indicative of an improving economy. That’s because recruiters can’t pick up new clients if those clients don’t 1.) have hiring needs, and 2.) those needs are so urgent that they’re willing to secure the services of a recruiter and pay a recruiting fee in order to find the candidates they want.
What’s especially encouraging is not just that Top Echelon Network members have picked up one or two clients. Many of them have added three, four, and even more than four clients during the past six months. Heck, some Network members might have added an average of one new client per month since the beginning of the year.
More clients means more job orders. More job orders (hopefully) means more quality job orders. More quality job orders means more placements. More placements means higher billings.
Higher billings means happier recruiters.