We’re at the NAPS Conference This Week!
The 2014 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference might be next week in Chicago, but the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS) Conference is THIS week at The Westin Galleria in Houston.
And we’re there right now!
Well, not all of us, but yours truly, IT Manager Todd Bossler, Top Echelon Contracting President Debbie Fledderjohann, and Senior Contract Administrator Jen Grimes are all in Houston at the moment. We’re preparing for the official start of the conference, which is tonight.
The opening keynote address, scheduled for 5:15 p.m., is titled “You Win Some, You Lose Some: Keys to Handling Adversity and Success in the NFL and in Life” by Jamey Rootes, President of the Houston Texans.
The main days of the NAPS Conference are Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Those days will be filled with plenty of great sessions by some of the biggest trainers and speakers in the recruiting and staffing industry. It goes without saying (although I’ll say it again) that we’re pleased to once again be a proud sponsor and promoter of the conference.
I know that many Top Echelon Network recruiters attend the NAPS Conference every year. That’s why I want to invite those who are attending this year to visit us at our booth. We love to see our customers face-to-face, shake their hand, and talk about what we can do to help them enjoy even more success as a recruiting firm.
As we’ve stated on numerous occasions before, we’re ALL about networking at Top Echelon, and that doesn’t include just our networking events (such as the Fall Conference). It also includes important networking events within the industry like the NAPS Conference.
Click here to see the official agenda for this year’s NAPS Conference!
And in case you’re wondering, the 2015 NAPS Conference is scheduled for Monday, September 28, through Wednesday, September 30, at Boston Park Plaza.
As you might have already guessed, we’ll be there, too!