We’re Heading Back to the TradeWinds for Our 25th!

Mark DemareeTop Echelon Network celebrated its 24th anniversary last month.  What does that mean?

That we’re currently in our 25th year of existence!

Well, it means more than that, too.  It also means that we’ll be celebrating our 25th anniversary next year!

Top Echelon Network was founded by Mike Kappel in 1988.  As a result, we plan to celebrate 25 years of helping recruiters make placements (and split placements) throughout the rest of this year—and next year, too!

The first step: announcing that we’re going back to the TradeWinds Hotel in St. Petersburg, Fla., for the 2013 National Convention.

The TradeWinds was the site of our very first convention, which was held in 1990.  (It took a couple of years for the Network to grow to the point where holding a convention was necessary.)

There are many other details that we’ll be releasing in the weeks and months ahead, so be on the lookout for those.  In the meantime, make plans RIGHT NOW to join us for the 2013 National Convention.

You have the dates . . . you have the location . . . and it’s our 25th anniversary.

We don’t hope to see you there.  We expect to.

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330.455.1433, Ext. 172
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