The Top Five Recruiters for the Month of June!
Once again, the top five recruiters in Top Echelon’s split network billed quite a bit last month. True, it’s down slightly when compared to recent months, but the top five billed a total of nearly $200K!
Okay, let’s dispense with the formalities first. As you can see, Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group is once again Recruiter of the Month. That’s not news. What IS news, though, is that Trey is closing in on another Network record.
Sure, he made his 600th TE placement a couple of months ago. But in the very near future, he will reach $5 million cash-in for his Network career. Nobody has ever billed that much through the Network in the nearly 30-year history of Top Echelon. (In fact, nobody has billed $4 million.)
Trey is currently the #1 top producer in the Network, with more than $1.3 million cash-in during the past 12 months. At that rate, he’ll be close to $6 million for his career by the time the end of the year arrives.
But enough about Trey. What about YOU? How was the first half of the year on your recruiting desk? Are you happy? Optimistic? Giddy? None of the above? Feel free to share with us.
In the meantime, congratulations to everybody on the list below and everybody who made Network split placements last month!
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Top Five Recruiters in TE for June:
1st Place: Trey Cameron
Agency: Cameron Craig Group
Placements: eleven (11)
Commission: $76,943
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2nd Place: Ron Sunshine
Agency: Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC
Placements: three (3)
Commission: $38,393
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3rd Place: Nick Stoia
Agency: ASAP Search & Recruiters
Placements: three (3)
Commission: $33,840
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4th Place: Bob Millman
Agency: AutoPro Technical Recruiting
Placements: three (3)
Commission: $14,477
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5th Place: David Austin
Agency: Austin Technology Resources
Placements: two (2)
Commission: $30,843
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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its split recruiting awards based upon two criteria, which are listed below in order of importance:
1.) The number of split placements made
2.) The amount of “cash-in” dollars earned as a result of those split placements
This explains why, when multiple recruiters are tied with the same number of placements during a given month or quarter, the recruiter with the largest “cash-in” total is deemed the winner.
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If you’re looking to make more placements with your Top Echelon recruiting network membership, contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.