Tom Erb to Present at TE Connect Fall 2024 in Canton

You probably already know that Top Echelon Connect Fall 2024 will be held in Canton, Ohio this year.

And you might know that the conference will be held at the Pro Football Hall of Fame (a topic which we’ll explore at a later date in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.)

But did you know that Tom Erb of Tallann Resources will be one of the speakers at the event?

We’re going to assume that you did not, and so that’s why we’re making this announcement!

Below is the bio for Tom Erb, who has also presented two webinars as part of Top Echelon’s Expert Recruiter Coaching Series:

With a career spanning nearly 20 years, Tom Erb has established himself as one of the staffing and recruiting industry’s top subject matter experts. As an executive for two of the largest staffing and recruiting companies in the world, Tom worked with some of the most recognizable and well-respected companies in the United States to help optimize their workforce strategy. As a consultant, trainer, and speaker to the staffing and recruiting industry, Tom has helped hundreds of firms create and execute sales and recruiting strategies to grow their business.

Below is the description of Tom’s scheduled session at Top Echelon Connect Fall 2024, which is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 24.

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“Driving Recruiting Success with the 4 Key Sales Mindsets”

Sustained success in sales requires several key components: consistent activity, willingness to learn, likeability and sociability, and persistence just to name a few. But one area that is often overlooked is adopting the right mindset with our sales approach. In this session, we will actually cover not one, but four mindsets that can turbocharge you and your team’s sales results.

1. Performance – Do we want to perform at a high level, do we know what we need to do to get there, and are we willing to do what’s needed over and over again?

2. Value – How do we approach prospects from a value perspective rather than a selling approach?

3. Long Game – Are we approaching sales activity with a transactional method (as almost all do), or do we approach sales with a long game mindset that provides residual benefits that build over our career?

4. Mastery – How do we get better every day, becoming more and more productive with the same amount of time?

Join us for this timely and engaging session as Tom Erb, author of Winning the Staffing Sales Game, discusses how to get your sales organization to effectively adopt each of the four sales mindsets. You’ll walk away from this session with renewed excitement, optimism, and a strategy for consistently driving more sales in a more personally and professionally fulfilling way.

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Keep in mind that Early Bird Registration for Top Echelon Connect 2024 will remain in effect through Saturday, September 7. The price of Early Bird Registration is $325 per person.

So you should sign up today and save some money!

As we’ve done for our past several recruiter networking events, we have a special website dedicated to Top Echelon Connect 2024.

The URL for that website is In the meantime . . .

Click HERE to register for TE Connect Fall 2024!

If you have any questions about registration (or about any other aspects of the convention), please contact me at 330.595.1742 or via email at

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