TE Sets New Records for Top Producers
There may be headlines in the news media stating that the economy is slowing down and that a recession will start in the near future.
Regardless of the validity of these claims, Top Echelon set a new record in its recruiting network recently in terms of its Top Producers. And it did so in a number of different ways.
#1—Million dollar producers
Top Echelon has boasted one million dollar producer in its network on a 12-month rolling basis before. First, it was Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group, who accomplished the feat during multiple years. Then it was Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, who did so last year.
Now, for the first time, there are two million dollar producers in the Network at the same time. And you guessed it, those two are Trey and Michael. As of the writing of this blog post, Michael was bidding to recapture Recruiter of the Year honors with a rolling cash-in total of $1,302,549. Trey, though, is right behind him at $1,139,698.
While this has happened during the year, it has yet to happen at the end of the year, which would obviously be another first for TE. In addition, if Michael continues at his current pace, he will have the chance to break the record for the highest cash-in total during a calendar year. Which, of course, is held by Trey.
Then again, Trey could overtake Michael during the last four months of the year, win Recruiter of the Year honors instead, and break his own record.
Who will win and what will happen? Stay tuned!
#2—The Top 10
For the first time, the top 10 recruiters in Top Echelon Network have cashed in $230K or more in TE split placements during the past 12 months rolling.
To put this into perspective, when I first joined Top Echelon Network in November of 2003, it was considered an accomplishment for the Top 10 in the Network to all bill $100K or more through TE. And now, Network recruiters have doubled that accomplishment and doubled it with ease.
Up next? The $240K plateau. And then on to $250K!
$3—The $100K Club
Speaking of recruiters who have billed at least $100K through the Network during the past 12 months, Top Echelon has set a new record there, as well.
As of the writing of this blog post, 33 Network recruiters have billed at least $100K through TE in the past 12 months. And the 34th recruiter, Ben Brown of TSS Sourcing Solutions, is right on the cusp at $99,500. (C’mon, Ben . . . make another split.)
As you can see, all of these records could be broken and re-broken before the end of 2022. After all, there are still four whole months remaining, there are plenty of companies still willing to hire, and many of them are using recruiters and search consultants to get the job done.
YOU could be part of this record-breaking year in Top Echelon Network. If you want to know how you can make more split placements and more money through the Network, I encourage you to contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.
You can do by calling 330.595.1742, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.