Take Our Quick Survey About the 2022 Convention

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on everything during the past 18 months, and that includes Top Echelon’s in-person networking events.

There was no National Convention in 2020 or 2021, nor was there a Fall Conference. The good news is that the 2022 Top Echelon National Convention is set for March 24 and 25 in Las Vegas!

We are currently in the preparation stages for this event, and I need your help. I’d like to ask that you take a very short (and very important) survey about our plans for the 2022 National Convention.

How short is the survey? Only two questions, if you can believe it. (After you submit your email address. That doesn’t really count as a question. At least we’re not counting it.)

The survey should take less than a minute to complete. Unless you’d like to add comments, which I encourage you to do. The more information we have, the better decisions we can make about our future recruiter networking events.

Click the link below to begin the survey:

Take our short survey!

Nobody is more eager to get back to our in-person networking events than I am. (Which is one of the reasons why we’re holding an Ohio Regional Core Group meeting at Gervasi Vineyard in Canton on November 16.)

So I hope to see you either at the regional event later this month or at the 2022 National Convention in Las Vegas next year.

As always, thank you for your loyalty and commitment as Top Echelon Network members (and also for completing our survey)!

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