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Matt DeutschHere at Top Echelon, we like to have fun.  We like to not take you too seriously.  I’m sorry—what I meant to say is that we like to not take ourselves too seriously.

With that in mind, we’re soliciting your help in the creation of a future Top Echelon e-Book.  The reason we need your help is because we want your “tales from the trenches.”

We would say that we want your “Tales from the Crypt,” but I’m pretty sure that phrase has already been trademarked.

Besides, “tales from the trenches” is more accurate.  Recruiters definitely feel like they’re in the trenches most days, whether they’re making marketing calls to cranky hiring managers, trying to reach a candidate who hasn’t shown up for their first day on the job, or calmly explaining to a client why their first choice already accepted another position because they didn’t move quickly enough.

If you’ve been a recruiter for any length of time, you have some tales to tell, perhaps many tales.

Here’s the deal: send us your “tales from the trenches” via email at  By doing so, you give us permission to publish your tale of woe in our e-Book.

Keep in mind that you can remain anonymous.  In other words, you can submit your tale, but request that we withhold your name and firm name for privacy reasons.

What we’ve discovered is that recruiters enjoy reading about other recruiters’ “tales from the trenches.”  That’s because they’ve been in the trenches themselves, and they can relate to these headhunter horror stories.  They share a common bond, one built upon frustration, stress, and exasperation.

However, these tales aren’t just about that.  They’re also a way of celebrating—specifically, celebrating the fact that no matter what crazy things might happen, you’re still standing.  You’re still a recruiter, you’re still making money, and you still love what you do.

When all is said and done, that’s a tale with a happy ending.


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