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Up next on our list of award winners for 2012 is The Largest Split Placement Fee of the Year, and the story associated with this placement is a rather interesting one. We highlighted this placement in our “‘Comments’ and Compliments Extra” last year, not only because of the size of the fee, but also for the circumstances that surrounded it. Top-Producing RecruitersLet’s start with the basics, though.  The placement was made by Steve Copeland of Albert Energy, LLC and Jeff Gilbert of Kingfish Technology, LLC.  Steve was the job order recruiter, and Jeff was the candidate recruiter.  The two of them placed a Global Alliance Program Director-Business Development. The amount of the fee that they split for placing that candidate: $49,000. With that total in mind, it’s not surprising that one of the recruiters was a bit superstitious about the placement.  After all, it’s not every month that a recruiter earns a placement fee as large as that one.  But I digress.  Instead, I’ll let Steve and Jeff tell the story in their own words.

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Steve Copeland“‘The Kingfish’ of passive recruiting!  It was the fact that Jeff wore his ‘stinky lucky socks’ since January 1 that gave this hire the boost it needed.  Jeff didn’t take those socks off until our candidate showed up on the job!  He even wore them to bed.  I bet he slept in the other room with the dog . . . if the dog could stand it, that is.”

Submitted by Steve Copeland of Albert Energy, LLC regarding his split placement with Jeff Gilbert of Kingfish Technology, LLC Position Title—GLOBAL ALLIANCE PROGRAM DIRECTOR Fee Percentage—25% (Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Copeland and Gilbert have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Jeff Gilbert“We recruiters are a very superstitious bunch!  What can I say, I have my ‘lucky socks.’  Now that summer is upon us, you can imagine . . . they look pretty ridiculous with my flip flops.  Regardless, we have many more deals to close by year’s end!”

Submitted by Jeff Gilbert of Kingfish Technology, LLC regarding his split placement with Steve Copeland of Albert Energy, LLC Position Title—GLOBAL ALLIANCE PROGRAM DIRECTOR Fee Percentage—25%(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Copeland and Gilbert have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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330.455.1433, Ext. 172 Connect with Mark on LinkedIn. Follow Mark on Twitter.