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Has it been a brutal winter for recruiters in some parts of the country?  You’d better believe it.  But March is here, winter won’t be here for much longer, and Preferred Members of the Network are still making split placements and still want to praise each other for them.  And who are we not to oblige them?  Nobody, that’s who.

That’s exactly what we want—warmer weather, more sunshine, and more splits.  Sounds like a happy to spring to us.  Hopefully, the economy will heat up just as much as the weather.  In the meantime, below are two more Top Echelon Network recruiters who want to laud their Trading Partners for recent split placements.  If you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to

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Steve BrandvoldEric Berg“Thanks, Eric, for doing such a good job of matching people to the job.”

Submitted by Steven C. Brandvold of Executive Connection regarding his split placement with Eric Berg of JN Adams & Associates, Inc.

Position Title—Plant Manager
Fee Percentage—27%

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Jan Clements“Rosemarie [Christopher, Jan Clements], and the rest of her staff are wonderful partners.”

Submitted by Denise Milano Sprung of Joseph Associates, Inc. regarding his split placement with Jan Clements of Med Exec International

Position Title—Director of Clinical Pharmacology
Fee Percentage—25%

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Remember, if you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a recent split placement, please email those comments to  We’ll publish them in the newsletter.

'Comments' and ComplimentsSplit placements are up . . . optimism is up . . . and so are the number of submissions that we’ve received from recruiters for our “‘Comments’ and Compliments” feature.  In fact, we received five last week alone.

Preferred Members of our Network love to make split placements, and they love to shower their Trading Partners with praise when they do make split placements.  Far be it from us to prevent them from making their praise a public matter (within the Network, at any rate).

And as you know, we don’t disclose the amount of the fee earned with these split placements.  For that information, login to the Members’ Area and view the profiles and placement details of the recruiters involved.  Go ahead . . . do it.

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Trey Cameron“Yes . . . finally . . . we, too, have made a placement with Trey Cameron!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Position Title—Manufacturing Project Engineer
Fee Percentage—20%

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“Gail and I have been working on this placement for over a year.  Throughout that time, Gail has been outstanding to work with, a true partner.”

Submitted by Denise Milano Sprung of Joseph Associates, Inc. regarding her split placement with Gail Williams of Williams Recruiting, Inc.

Position Title—Head of Cancer Biology
Fee Percentage—25%

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If you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to

'Comments' and ComplimentsThe beat goes on with one of our most popular features: “‘Comments’ and Compliments.”  And just like some of the recruiters in our Network are somewhat quirky (we prefer the term “fun loving”), sometimes this regular feature is quirky, as well.

Actually, when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  After all, when you make a placement, you feel like singing, don’t you?  How could you not?  And if you make a split placement with one of your Trading Partners, might you feel compelled to sing a song about that recruiter?  Of course.  That was the case with a recent split placement featured in this installment of “‘Comments’ and Compliments.”

As a reminder, we’re still not disclosing the amount of the fee earned with these split placements.  For that information, login to the Members’ Area and view the profiles and placement details of the recruiters involved.  That’s a suggestion, not a demand . . . in case you were wondering.

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Bob Gabor“‘You are my Sunshine, my Ronnie Sunshine.  You make me happy when skies are grey.  You’ll never know how much I love you.  Please don’t take my Sunshine away.’ Thanks again, Ron.  Let’s do another.”

Submitted by Bob Gabor of The Gabor Group regarding his split placement with Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates

Position Title—Senior Supplier Quality Engineer
Fee Percentage—25%

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Suzanne Griffith, CPCMartha Schmidt“Suzanne was great to work with, and I look forward to working with her more in the future.  For someone new to this business, her guidance, information, and direction was very valuable.”

Submitted by Martha Schmidt of the Infinity Consultant Group regarding her split placement with Suzanne Griffith, CPC of J S Griffith & Associates

Position Title—Program Manager
Fee Percentage—25%

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If you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to

One of our more popular Pinnacle features is back!  And that’s “‘Comments’ and Compliments,” in which we publish some of the comments that Preferred Member recruiters submit with their Completed Placement Forms.

It’s a New Year . . . so we have new recruiters and new comments.  One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is that we’re still not disclosing the amount of the fee earned with these split placements.  For that information, login to the Members’ Area and view the profiles and placement details of the recruiters involved.  Please and thank-you.

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Stephanie McGinty“Mary Anne is a fabulous Trading Partner to work with.  We both share the same philosophies in recruitment, and it’s always such a smooth process in working with her!  She has a very high level of integrity, and I really appreciate that!”

Submitted by Stephanie McGinty of Ives & Associates, Inc. regarding her split placement with Mary Anne Buckley of Interstate Recruiters Corp

Position Title—Senior Manager of Medical Communications
Fee Percentage—25%

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Sean Napoles, CPCPatrick Staudacher“Thanks again, Sean!  Great work!”

Submitted by Patrick Staudacher of Talsco, Inc. regarding his split placement with Sean Napoles of Career Brokers, Inc.

Position Title—Lead ABAP Developer
Fee Percentage—20%

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If you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to

In order to showcase the cooperation between Top Echelon’s resume database and network of Trading Partners, as well as the premium they place on their relationships, we’d like to publish some of the comments that Preferred Members submit with their Completed Placement forms in The Pinnacle blog.

We’re very pleased that our Members take the time to compliment one another, and we look forward to similar comments in the future. If you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to

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Dave Smith“Greg was extremely good to work with during this process.  The hire was delayed due to a clause in our candidate’s relocation agreement with his former employer, so it took a great deal of patience and understanding on everyone’s part.  Greg and the candidate stayed in close communication with me, and the end result was a great hire.  Greg is a solid TE recruiter and partner, and he was really great to work with.”

Submitted by Dave Smith of Merit Consulting, Inc., regarding his split placement with Greg Downs of Downs Associates

Position Title–EHS Manager
Starting Annual Salary–$115,000
Total fee–$23,000
Fee Percentage–20%

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Joe Murawski“Awesome job, Scott!  Another one for the books and another phenomenal candidate!”

Submitted by Joe Murawski of Focused Hire regarding his split placement with Scott Christian of The Search Company, Inc.

Position Title–Manufacturing Engineering Manager
Starting Annual Salary–$110,000
Total fee–$27,500
Fee Percentage–25%