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We’re in the middle of summer, and it’s heating up . . . both outside in the great outdoors and inside Top Echelon Network!

Sure, temperatures have been in the high 80s and low 90s for, well, the entirety of the summer. Regardless of how you feel about hot weather, though, you have to be pumped about the activity within the Network. (Especially if you’ve been part of said activity.)

Below are 30 splits that Network recruiters have racked up during the month of July so far. We extend special kudos to Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group, who was part of seven of those 30 splits.

We’d also like to congratulate Tom LaRosa of RML Specialty Group, LLC and Joe Cresci of Food Management Search, both of whom placed a Data Engineer for a split fee of $45K at 20%!

So while the temperature is eventually and inevitably going to fall, we hope that Network recruiters keep their placement levels high . . . and their fee levels even higher.

As a friendly neighborhood reminder, here is the information that we publish with our weekly placements:

  • Names of the split recruiting partners involved (with their profile photos, when available)
  • Job title
  • Overall placement fee (before TE’s 6% brokerage fee, of course)
  • Fee percentage

Please note that the placements listed below reflect deals finalized in Top Echelon Network for the two-week period of Monday, July 4, through Sunday, July 17.

Remember, if you don’t want information related to your Network placements published in The Pinnacle, please send an email to to that effect.

Congratulations to everybody below for the split placements they made in Top Echelon Network!

This Week’s Top Echelon Split Placements

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Eric Berg of JN Adams and Associates, Inc.

Eric Berg

Tom Christensen

Job recruiter: Tom Christensen of C. H. Thomas Search, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Eric Berg of JN Adams & Associates, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $29,400

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Mike Loftus of Beacon Professional Search

Mike Loftus

Job recruiter: Mike Loftus of Beacon Professional Search

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $13,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Dan Trudeau of PRA USA

Dan Trudeau

Job recruiter: Dan Trudeau of PRA USA

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

David M. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

David M. Sgro

Job recruiter: David M. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group

Job title: EDI ANALYST

Overall placement fee: $22,500

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Nancy Hastings of The Hastings Group

Nancy Hastings

Job recruiter: Nancy Hastings of The Hastings Group

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $15,200

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Kevin Russell of 6 Degrees Search

Kevin Russell

Job recruiter: Kevin Russell of 6 Degrees Search

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $23,750

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

David J. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

David J. Sgro

Job recruiter: David J. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $15,750

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search

Chuck Cole

Job recruiter: Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $23,750

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

John Ricciardi of the Afton Consulting Group

John Ricciardi

Christopher Castanias of Accelerated Search Partners, Inc.

Christopher Castanias

Job recruiter: John Ricciardi of Afton Consulting Group

Candidate recruiter: Christopher Castanias of Accelerated Search Partners, Inc.

Job title: CONTROLLER 

Overall placement fee: $25,000

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Jeff Manga of 6 Degrees Search

Jeff Manga

Cindy Chen of Focus Employment

Cindy Chen

Job recruiter: Jeff Manga of 6 Degrees Search 

Candidate recruiter: Cindy Chen of Focus Employment


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search

Chuck Cole

Zachary Anderson of Zaddy Solutions

Zachary Anderson

Job recruiter: Zachary Anderson of Zaddy Solutions

Candidate recruiter: Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search


Overall placement fee: $31,250

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Joe Cresci of Food Management Search

Joe Cresci

Tom LaRosa of RML Specialty Group, LLC

Tom LaRosa

Job recruiter: Tom LaRosa of RML Specialty Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Joe Cresci of Food Management Search


Overall placement fee: $45,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting

David Cuozzo

Kristy Staggs of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.

Kristy Staggs

Job recruiter: Kristy Staggs of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting

David Cuozzo

Troy Randolph of Lea Randolph and Associates, Inc.

Troy Randolph

Job recruiter: Troy Randolph of Lea Randolph & Associates, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting


Overall placement fee: $19,500

Fee percentage: 15%

— — —

David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting

David Cuozzo

Kristy Staggs of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.

Kristy Staggs

Job recruiter: Kristy Staggs of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting


Overall placement fee: $21,400

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Stacy Holland

Tom Daly of Ridgeback Management Services, LLC

Tom Daly

Job recruiter: Stacy Holland of Exceptional People, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Tom Daly of Ridgeback Management Services, LLC


Overall placement fee: $16,000

Fee percentage: 10%

— — —

Larry Gallin of Gallin Associates

Larry Gallin

Mike Burks of T. Burks & Associates

Mike Burks

Job recruiter: Mike Burks of T. Burks & Associates

Candidate recruiter: Larry Gallin of Gallin Associates


Overall placement fee: $25,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Phil Hurd of Oculus Search Partners, LLC

Phil Hurd

Laurie Burden of The Recruiting Pro

Laurie Burden

Job recruiter: Laurie Burden of The Recruiting Pro

Candidate recruiter: Phil Hurd of Oculus Search Partners, LLC


Overall placement fee: $8,000

Fee percentage: Flat

— — —

Matt O'Mara of Cranbrook Search Consultants

Matt O’Mara

Naomi Mosley of Naomi Mosley

Naomi Mosley

Job recruiter: Matt O’Mara of Cranbrook Search Consultants

Candidate recruiter: Naomi Mosley of Naomi Mosley


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: Flat

— — —

Terry Rhodes of NewCareers

Terry Rhodes

Nick Stoia, CPC of ASAP Search & Recruiters

Nick Stoia, CPC

Job recruiter: Nick Stoia of ASAP Search

Candidate recruiter: Terry Rhodes of NewCareers


Overall placement fee: $17,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

John Ricciardi of the Afton Consulting Group

John Ricciardi

Ben Brown of TSS Sourcing Solutions

Ben Brown

Job recruiter: Ben Brown of TSS Sourcing Solutions

Candidate recruiter: John Ricciardi of Afton Consulting Group


Overall placement fee: $32,000

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.

Gary Schultz

Erika Staszewski of Integritas Search

Erika Staszewski

Job recruiter: Erika Staszewski of Integritas Search

Candidate recruiter: Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $25,000

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.

Gary Schultz

Ben Brown of TSS Sourcing Solutions

Ben Brown

Job recruiter: Ben Brown of TSS Sourcing Solutions

Candidate recruiter: Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $32,500

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Travis Jones of Career Development Partners

Travis Jones

Susan Smith of Anspire

Susan Smith

Job recruiter: Travis Jones of Career Development Partners

Candidate recruiter: Susan Smith of Anspire


Overall placement fee: $41,250

Fee percentage: 27.5%

— — —

Richard Steinman of Steinman Recruiting Associates

Richard Steinman

Stacy Holland

Job recruiter: Stacy Holland of Exceptional People, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Richard Steinman of Steinman Recruiting Associates


Overall placement fee: $18,000

Fee percentage: 10%

— — —

Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Amy Chapman of Key People Staffing

Amy Chapman

Job recruiter: Amy Chapman of Key People Staffing

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search

Chuck Cole

Job recruiter: Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $27,500

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Larry Rosenthal

Job recruiter: Larry Rosenthal of Larry Rosenthal & Associates Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $40,000

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Gary Thompson of Retail Options Executive Search

Gary Thompson

Pat McCombs, CPC of KB Search Team, LLC

Pat McCombs, CPC

Job recruiter: Pat McCombs, CPC of KB Search Team, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Gary Thompson of Gary Thompson


Overall placement fee: $16,500

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

Nate Witsman of JWP Strategic, Inc.

Nate Witsman

Dan Gundrum of Gundrum & Associates, Inc.

Dan Gundrum

Job recruiter: Dan Gundrum of Gundrum & Associates, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Nate Witsman of JWP Strategic, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $23,250

Fee percentage: 25%

— — —

If you’re a newer Network member and you’d like to enjoy more success in our recruiter network, then I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can do so by calling 330.595.17423 or by sending an email to

Well, it’s apparently not enough that Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group is Recruiter of the Month and Recruiter of the Quarter.

Now he’s co-winner of the Largest Split Fee of the Quarter Award.

Michael shared the honor with Scott Szur of The Harrison Group, LLC. Michael and Scott played a Senior Director of Regulatory CMC for a fee of $62,500 at 25%.

As you can see below, the competition for this quarter’s award was quite fierce. We had a three-way tie for second place and a two-way tie for eighth place.

Do you know what that tell us? It tells us that a lot of Top Echelon Network recruiters are making a lot of placements with big fees . . . so keep it up!

As a reminder, Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its Network split fee recruiting awards in four distinct categories:

1.) Recruiter of the Month
2.) Largest Split Fee of the Month
3.) Recruiter of the Quarter
4.) Largest Split Fee of the Quarter

We only announce the winners of these awards in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. We do so usually (but not always) in the issue following the conclusion of each month and/or quarter.

Congratulations to everybody who made the largest split fees in Top Echelon Network during the second quarter of 2022!

Largest Split Fees of the Second Quarter – 2022

— — —

First Place:

Scott Szur of The Harrison Group, LLC and Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Scott Szur of The Harrison Group, LLC

Scott Szur

The position for this split placement was a Director/Sr. Director – Regulatory CMC and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Scott was the job order recruiter and Michael was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $62,500.

— — —

Second Place (Tie):

Bethany Brevard York of Professional Outlook, Inc. and Sarah Katz of First Search Inc

Sarah Katz of First Search, Inc.

Sarah Katz

Bethany Brevard York of Professional Outlook, Inc.

Bethany Brevard York

The position for this split placement was a Plant Manager and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Bethany was the job order recruiter and Sarah was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $45,000.

— — —

Second Place (Tie):

Jeff Manga of 6 Degrees Search and Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Jeff Manga of 6 Degrees Search

Jeff Manga

The position for this split placement was a Senior Manager of Digital Acquisitions Onboarding and Engagement and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Jeff was the job order recruiter and Michael was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $45,000.

— — —

Second Place (Tie):

Amy Chapman of Key People Staffing and Scott Krepps of Hiring Solutions Group

Scott Krepps of the Hiring Solutions Group

Scott Krepps

Amy Chapman of Key People Staffing

Amy Chapman

The position for this split placement was a Director of Operations and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Amy was the job order recruiter and Scott was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $45,000.

— — —

Third Place:

David Evans of Perfect Fit Placement and Ann Boland of The Boland Group

Ann Boland of The Boland Group

Ann Boland

David Evans

The position for this split placement was an Executive Director and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 28%.

David was the job order recruiter and Ann was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $42,560.

— — —

Fourth Place:

Ben Brown of TSS Sourcing Solutions and Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.

Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.

Gary Schultz

Ben Brown of TSS Sourcing Solutions

Ben Brown

The position for this split placement was a Senior Developer !GoLang and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Ben was the job order recruiter and Gary was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $41,250.

— — —

Fifth Place:

Neans Moran of CPG Talent Management LLC and Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC

Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC

Ron Sunshine

Neans Moran of CPG Talent Management, LLC

Neans Moran

The position for this split placement was a Director – HR Labor Relations and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 20%.

Neans was the job order recruiter and Ron was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $41,000.

— — —

Sixth Place:

Lisa Rokusek of Rokusek Recruits and Ebony Black of Connect Staffing Professional, LLC (not active)

Lisa Rokusek of Rokusek Recruits

Lisa Rokusek

Ebony Black

The position for this split placement was a Senior Fullstack Engineer and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 27%.

Lisa was the job order recruiter and Ebony was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $40,500.

— — —

Seventh Place:

Amy Chapman of Key People Staffing and John Ricciardi of Afton Consulting Group

John Ricciardi of the Afton Consulting Group

John Ricciardi

Amy Chapman of Key People Staffing

Amy Chapman

The position for this split placement was a Director of Food Safety & Quality Assurance Systems and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Amy was the job order recruiter and John was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $40,000.

— — —

Eighth Place (Tie):

James Sullivan of Ethical Search Professionals, Ltd and Melinda Simpson of SP Associates

Melinda Simpson of SP Associates

Melinda Simpson

James Sullivan of Ethical Search Professionals, Ltd.

James Sullivan

The position for this split placement was a Safety & Health Manager and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

James was the job order recruiter and Melinda was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $36,250.

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Eighth Place (Tie):

Jim Sitek of FSN and Phil Hurd of Oculus Search Partners, LLC

Phil Hurd of Oculus Search Partners, LLC

Phil Hurd

Jim Sitek of FSN

Jim Sitek

The position for this split placement was a VP of Human Resources and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Jim was the job order recruiter and Phil was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $36,250.

— — —

Ninth Place:

Brian Abrams of PMO Partners and Mindy Marty of Double M Resources

Mindy Marty of Double M Resources

Mindy Marty

Brian Abrams of PMO Partners

Brian Abrams

The position for this split placement was a Software Development Senior Project Manager and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.

Brian was the job order recruiter and Mindy was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $35,000.

— — —

Tenth Place:

Ryan Briggs of Tellis Executive Search and Joe Cresci of Food Management Search

Joe Cresci of Food Management Search

Joe Cresci

Ryan Briggs

The position for this split placement was a Director of Applied Research – Air Filtration and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 23%.

Ryan was the job order recruiter and Joe was the candidate recruiter.

The fee for this split placement was $34,500.

— — —

If YOU want to make more money through Top Echelon’s recruiting network, then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to

As expected, Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group, and Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search all vied for Recruiters of the Quarter honors in Top Echelon Network.

But, much like the movie series Highlander, “there can be only one.”

And that one, as you might have guessed, was Michael, whose TE cash-in for the quarter was north of $400K. Of course, it didn’t hurt that he averaged one split placement per day during the month of June.

As much as Trey is trying to catch him to reclaim Recruiter of the Year honors, he has his work cut out for him. As much as Trey produced during the second quarter, Michael still put distance between him self and the rest of the pack.

Below is the information that we include with the Recruiters of the Quarter feature in Top Echelon Network:

  1. The top 10 recruiters for the quarter
  2. The “cash-in” total for each recruiter during the quarter. (We base the order of the recruiters on their amount of “cash-in” dollars, as opposed to the number of split placements they made during the quarter.)
  3. The number of splits that the recruiters made during the quarter
  4. The date that each recruiter’s agency joined Top Echelon Network
  5. The number of splits each recruiter has made during their Network career
  6. Each recruiter’s cash-in total for their Network career

Congratulations to the recruiters listed below . . . and congratulations to every Network member who made a split placement (or multiple splits) during the quarter!

Recruiters of the Second Quarter – 2022

— — —

First Place:

Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Recruiter: Michael Stuck
Agency: Gables Search Group
Placements: Fifty-nine (59)
Cash-in total: $413,741.55
Date agency joined TE: March 9, 2005
Career Top Echelon placements: 391
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $2,432,655.59

— — —

Second Place:

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Recruiter: Trey Cameron
Agency: Cameron Craig Group
Placements: Thirty-four (34)
Cash-in total: $262,345
Date agency joined TE: January 24, 2003
Career Top Echelon placements: 1,223
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $9,406,708

— — —

Third Place:

Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Steve Kohn

Recruiter: Steve Kohn
Agency: Affinity Executive Search, Inc.
Placements: Fourteen (14)
Cash-in total: $129,444
Date agency joined TE: July 28, 1994
Career Top Echelon placements: 483
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $4,157,733

— — —

Fourth Place:

Phil Hurd of Oculus Search Partners, LLC

Phil Hurd

Recruiter: Phil Hurd 
Agency: Oculus Search Partners, LLC 
Placements: Ten (10)
Cash-in total: $97.277
Date agency joined TE: August 31, 2020
Career Top Echelon placements: 28
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $170,535

— — —

Fifth Place:

Joe Cresci of Food Management Search

Joe Cresci

Recruiter: Joe Cresci
Agency: Food Management Search
Placements: Twelve (12)
Cash-in total: $80,306
Date agency joined TE: November 2, 2015
Career Top Echelon placements: 73
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $568,555

— — —

Sixth Place:

Amy Chapman of Key People Staffing

Amy Chapman

Recruiter: Amy Chapman
Agency: Key People Staffing
Placements: Five (5)
Cash-in total: $73,129
Date agency joined TE: May 30, 2019
Career Top Echelon placements: 55
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $565,421

— — —

Seventh Place:

David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting

David Cuozzo

Recruiter: David Cuozzo  
Agency: CrowdSourced Recruiting
Placements: Ten (10)
Cash-in total: $71,905
Date agency joined TE: April 16, 2019
Career Top Echelon placements: 59
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $289,877

— — —

Eighth Place:

Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.

Gary Schultz

Recruiter: Gary Schultz
Agency: Work 22, Inc.
Placements: Seven (7)
Cash-in total: $68,515
Date agency joined TE: May 30, 2017
Career Top Echelon placements: 101
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $716,834

— — —

Ninth Place:

Terry Rhodes of NewCareers

Terry Rhodes

Recruiter: Terry Rhodes 
Agency: NewCareers
Placements: Nineteen (19)
Cash-in total: $67,313
Date agency joined TE: November 22, 1994
Career Top Echelon placements: 333
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $2,320,193

— — —

Tenth Place:

Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC

Maria Hemminger

Recruiter: Maria Hemminger 
Agency: MJ Recruiters, LLC
Placements: Seven (7)
Cash-in total: $66,232
Date agency joined TE: August 4, 2005
Career Top Echelon placements: 203
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $1,661,192

— — —

If YOU want to make more money through Top Echelon’s recruiting network, then contact Director of Network Operations, Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to