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Unfortunately, Top Echelon members did not rack up 19 split placements and $385K in fees this past week, as they did the week before.

However, as they do every week, members made Network placements . . . and we’re here to report them!

Here is the information that we publish with our weekly placements:

  • Names of the split recruiting partners involved (with their profile photos, when available)
  • Job title
  • Overall placement fee (before TE’s 6% brokerage fee, of course)
  • Fee percentage

Please note that the placements below reflect deals finalized in Top Echelon Network for the week of Monday, May 24, through Sunday, May 30.

In addition, remember that if you don’t want information related to your Network placements published in The Pinnacle, please send an email to to that effect.

Congratulations to everybody below for the placements they made in Top Echelon Network!

This Week’s TE Split Placements

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

Steve Kohn

Nick Stoia, CPC of ASAP Search & Recruiters

Nick Stoia, CPC

Job recruiter: Nick Stoia of ASAP Search

Candidate recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $11,021

Fee percentage: Flat

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Patrick Long of Provision People

Patrick Long

Eric V. Stearley, CPC of Eric V. Stearley, CPC & Associates

Eric V. Stearley, CPC

Job recruiter: Eric V. Stearley, CPC of Eric V. Stearley, CPC & Associates

Candidate recruiter: Patrick Long of Provision People


Overall placement fee: $25,000

Fee percentage: 20%

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Joe Cotter of J.D. Cotter Search, Inc.

Joe Cotter

Michael Stuck of the Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Job recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Candidate recruiter: Joe Cotter of J.D. Cotter Search, LLC


Overall placement fee: $13,312

Fee percentage: 20%

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Terry Rhodes of NewCareers

Terry Rhodes

Errol Neider of EGN Technical Resources

Errol Neider

Job recruiter: Errol Neider of EGN Technical Resources

Candidate recruiter: Terry Rhodes of NewCareers


Overall placement fee: $23,750

Fee percentage: 25%

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Dean Phelps of Veterans Employment

Dean Phelps

Jeff Katz of JSK Recruiting

Jeff Katz

Job recruiter: Jeff Katz of JSK Recruiting

Candidate recruiter: Dean Phelps of Veterans Employment


Overall placement fee: $13,000

Fee percentage: 20%

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

Steve Kohn

Kristy Fangman of

Kristy Fangman

Job recruiter: Kristy Fangman of Automationtechies

Candidate recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search


Overall placement fee: $17,480

Fee percentage: 19%

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If you’re a newer member and you want to enjoy more success in our recruiting network, I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to

At Top Echelon, we’re constantly upgrading both the Big Biller recruiting software and our split placement network software. So we’re pleased to announce the following updates:

1. People Relocation Enhancements

The Relocation field on People Datasheets received several updates, including the ability to select “Any US State” and the addition of Canadian Province options.

2. Adding Imported Records to Existing Hotlists and Pipelines

New action icons have been added to the Bulk Resume Upload and Contact Import Settings pages, which allow you to now add newly created records to existing Hotlists or Pipelines.

3. Datasheet Card Enhancements

Datasheet cards received several updates, including the following:

  • Ability to Move Cards in Record Preview – Cards can now be reordered within Record Preview on lists within Big Biller. After moving a card in a Preview, it will remain in that same place for all records of that type moving forward. Please note that changes made in the preview will be reflected in the Datasheet ordering, as well, and vice-versa.
  • Screen Size Responsiveness Update – Responsiveness enhancements will now allow you to view more card columns within a Datasheet or Record Preview when viewed on a wider monitor.

4. Contact Import Column Auto-Match

The Contact Importer will now try its best to auto-match spreadsheet column headers to the corresponding Big Biller fields based on their name, saving time in the mapping process.

5. Combined General and Miscellaneous Cards on Jobs

The Miscellaneous Card has been merged with the General Card on Job Datasheets to simplify the record and allow for streamlined editing of Job information.

6. Company Chiclets in Work History Card

Linked Work History entries have been converted to Company chiclets for a clearer connection and more access to corresponding Company info without having to leave the Person’s Datasheet.

Remember, you can always stay informed by visiting the official Top Echelon Product Updates page. You can see current and past updates, as well as which updates and upgrades are next.

If you have questions about these updates or about any other aspect of your Top Echelon Network and/or Big Biller software account, you can:

→ Send an email to

→ Contact us via chat during regular business hours.

→ Visit our Help Center.

(Editor’s note: the following article is by industry trainer and speaker Barb Bruno, CPC/CTS of Good as Gold Training. Barb has served as a keynote speaker at recruiter networking events like the Top Echelon National Convention and Fall Conference multiple times. She has also presented webinars for the Top Echelon Recruiter Coaching Series. Barb is a trusted voice in the recruiting and staffing industry, as well as a valuable contributor to the resources that Top Echelon provides.)

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Staffing and Recruiting is a sales profession that provides many opportunities for you to negotiate and close.  There are several times negotiating skills can make the difference from a deal closing and a deal falling apart.  Negotiating skills also play a major role when you are recruiting candidates.

To negotiate effectively, you need the ability to do the following:

  • Set yourself up as an effective negotiator early in the process.
  • Ask questions geared to influence the outcome.
  • Manipulate the results you want while the parties involved are convinced they are making the choices which are best for them.  Obviously, you have a moral and ethical obligation to manipulate them toward decisions that are good for them and their careers.
  • Remember the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) of candidates during your negotiations.
  • Fine-tune your listening skills.  Too often recruiters are guilty of selective hearing.  When negotiations blow up in your face, there have usually been several red flags you choose to ignore.
  • Remember it is not your job to agree or disagree with your candidate’s decisions.  It is your job to determine how you will find an opportunity that answers the hot buttons of your candidates to ensure referrals.
  • Your ability to dramatically reduce problem areas.  Study each step when a deal falls through (someone no starts, no shows, etc.) and fix the problem.

All successful recruiters learn to constantly change the way they do business, in order to improve production and income.  Improving your ability to negotiate will have a very positive impact on your income.

During the placement process there are numerous times when negotiations take place. You must become proficient in negotiating because you have people on both sides of your sale.

  • Your ability to direct the thinking and actions of your prospect is directly related to your ability to direct your own thinking and actions.
  • Your prospect’s enthusiasm for your service is a product of your enthusiasm for your service.

Very early in the placement process, establish yourself as a negotiator to your candidate.  It is very important to remember their only interest is WIIFM (What’s In It For Me).  Enthusiasm is contagious, so is uncertainty.  Your attitude can make or break your ability to negotiate.

Reasons to negotiate better

Below are 10 reasons why you should want to negotiate better:

  1. Improve profitability
  2. Achieve desired outcome while fostering relationships
  3. Maximize financial returns and value in negotiations
  4. Avoid getting paid less than the value of your services
  5. Neutralize difficult negotiators and their tactics
  6. Enter into and conduct negotiations with confidence
  7. Know when and how to walk away from a negotiation
  8. Improve relationships with candidates
  9. Acquire leadership and team building skills
  10. Turn differences into assets rather than liabilities

Most studies on negotiations state that in over 75% of all negotiations, both parties wait to see what the other party will do before they decide what to do themselves.  What that means is that a person who has any negotiation framework in mind gains an enormous advantage in the negotiation process.  With a framework, you will be able to set the agenda, establish the tone of the negotiation and direct how the negotiation proceeds.

Think of how often in the recruiting process you negotiate:

  • To obtain a candidate’s resume or CV
  • To show them the benefit in filling out your Profile or Application Form
  • With your candidates so they see the value in taking time off from work to go on interviews with your clients
  • A time when you can interview or profile your candidate
  • With your candidate when you extend an offer
  • To obtain continual referrals

The more comfortable you become at negotiating, the more successful you will become in the staffing and recruiting profession.