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Have you considered hiring extra staff for your office, but hesitate because of all the hassles and liability tied to W-2 employees?  Did you know that you can add staff to your office and outsource the employment of that worker (along with all the time-consuming tasks) to Top Echelon Contracting?

Through our In-House Clerical and Administrative Program (ICAP), we become the legal W-2 employer of your short-term staff.  As such, we will handle all the employment tasks, including background checks, timesheet collection and tracking, payroll processing and funding, taxes, unemployment, Workers’ Compensation, year-end reporting, etc.

The hiring process:

  1. Call our office for an ICAP Quote.
  2. Recruit and select the candidate.
  3. Complete the in-house placement “set-up” form on our website.
  4. We will send you a Client Services Agreement for In-House Staffing.
  5. We will send the candidate an email with a link to our Online Employment Paperwork System so they can complete their employment paperwork.

The weekly timesheet and payroll process:

  • An electronic timesheet will be completed by the worker and approved by you.
  • Payroll is processed weekly, and paychecks/direct deposit notices are mailed out to employees every Thursday.
  • You will receive a Statement of Debit each Thursday.  We will auto-debit the total amount owed from your bank account, as specified in the Client Services Agreement for In-house Staffing.

ICAP generally costs $1.75 per hour over and above the pay rate, plus employer’s payroll taxes and insurance.  Below is an example based on an Ohio worker:


Employee’s Hourly Pay Rate $16.00 + Employer Taxes and Liability Insurance $3.10 + $1.75 for Top Echelon Contracting = Your Hourly Bill Rate $20.85


If the personnel works at least 30 hours per week, they will be eligible for health, dental, vision, and life insurance, as well as 401(k).  Please note, however, that we do not contribute to the healthcare premium for ICAP participants as we do for contractors placed with client companies.  Therefore, if your in-house worker elects health insurance, you will be invoiced an additional $188.56 per month.  Due to the new healthcare reform requirements, the administrative worker must be paid at least $15.00 per hour to ensure that healthcare coverage meets the affordability requirement.

Workers eligible for this program include administrative assistants, bookkeepers, researchers, recruiters, clerks, receptionists, and data entry personnel.  We cannot employ agency owners, partners, etc.

For more information or an ICAP quote, call us at 888.627.3678 and ask to speak to a Contract Administrator about the ICAP Program.

STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH: Top Echelon Network recruiters Maria Hemminger and Joanna Spaun of MJ Recruiters, LLC (left) and Carol Martin, CPC of Martin Management, Inc. pose for their “split placement selfie” after making their second Network split placement together. As you can seek, even though the firms are splitting the placement fee, it’s still plenty for Martin’s horse to chew on.

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We’re ramping up the degree of difficulty with our “split placement selfies”!

Well, we have to give credit where credit is due. Specifically, Top Echelon Network recruiter Carol Martin, CPC of Martin Management, Inc. is ramping up the degree of difficulty. That’s because she took a “split placement selfie” with her horse recently.

Martin made the placement with trading partner Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC. It’s the second split that Martin and Hemminger have made together in the Network. Pictured at left above is Hemminger and business partner Joanna Spaun. (Hemminger is on the far left, for those of you scoring at home.)

Hemminger and Martin are both top producers in Top Echelon Network. Hemminger has won numerous awards, is now #24 all-time in the Network in terms of placements made, and Martin has been named Recruiter of the Month.

This TE offer accepted was actually one of two that Hemminger had during the week, and she even had a third one in the works. Hemminger made 15 Network placements last year, and she’s off to a running (galloping) start in 2016.

Martin, meanwhile, made eight Network placements in 2015. So far this year, she’s already made three splits in a month and a half.

So congratulations to both of these recruiters on their placement, their “split placement selfie,” and their trading partner relationship! May the future hold many more placements . . . with or without the horse.

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If you’ve taken a “split placement selfie” with another Top Echelon Network recruiter and you’d like to share that “selfie” with the rest of the membership, send your photo and any accompanying information to!

There are many recruiters in Top Echelon who are enjoying success using the Network’s tools and services. In this feature, we highlight those recruiters, their accomplishments, and their outlook. If you’d like to nominate somebody who’s experienced Network success for this feature (including yourself), send an email to

Top Echelon Network Recruiter:

Nancy Phillips of Phillips Staffing Solutions, LLC

Nancy Phillips of Phillips Staffing Solutions, LLC

Nancy Phillips


Nancy joined Top Echelon Network in May of 2014. Since that time, she’s made six split placements in the Network: one in 2014, four in 2015, and one already in 2016. Nancy has “hit the ground running” as a Network recruiter, and we wanted to ask her a few questions about the success that she’s enjoyed so far.

What do you believe have been the keys to your success in Top Echelon Network?

“For me, it’s a number of things. One of the most important was attending the National Convention in Atlanta, where I got to meet the staff of Top Echelon and other members. It allowed me to see firsthand that not only the staff cheers on individual success, but also each member of Top Echelon. It’s a very supportive environment. Picking up the phone to introduce myself and having conversations with the other recruiters in the Network, as well as attending the group discussions each month to stay on top of changing job orders, has also helped.”

What value do you believe the Network provides for your firm?

“Let me count the ways . . . training by top experts in our field, access to the MEGA search for candidates, recruiters who are happy to find candidates for my jobs, visibility of my job orders on other members’ websites, the ability to accept job orders that once I would have turned down, and jobs from other recruiters for myself and my staff to help fill are just a few of the value-added services of being a Top Echelon Network member.”

Who are the trading partners with whom you’ve been working?

“Pam Copeland, Trey Cameron, Sean Napoles, Lois Rupkey, Kristy Staggs, Frank Laux, Jim Strickland, Ross Causley, Holly Webber, Terry Rhodes, Jackie Johnson, Denise Montrose, Steve Moore, Tom Bower, Ken Nunley, and Mark Petras. I’m sure I must be forgetting someone . . . not all of these have been realized as placements, but it’s only a matter of time.”

Why do the relationships you have with your trading partners work so well?

“Mutual respect and good communication.”

What advice would you give to a new Top Echelon Network recruiter just starting out?

“Jump in with both feet! You will feel overwhelmed at first, but everything will fall into place. Start by introducing yourself and attending conferences and monthly calls. Everyone really has your best interests at heart. When you’re successful, so is everyone else.”

What are your goals for future production in the Network?

“Finding my way into the top 10.”

How would you describe the activity level in your niche?

“My strong suit is Logistics, Supply Chain, and Procurement. When I first joined [the Network], it seemed like there were not many in my niche. What I found out was that as long as I’m posting all of my jobs, recruiters will see them and it could bring up a candidate that they would not normally have placed or thought about. Now we have several recruiters who attend the monthly [Virtual Core Group] call, and that to me is exciting!”

What’s the biggest obstacle on your desk right now, either with candidates or with clients?

“The age-old response of client feedback in a timely manner and candidate honesty. Most of my clients are fairly decent with feedback and know what I expect, but there are always the few who drag their feet and it becomes embarrassing as a recruiter that you aren’t able to provide this for your candidates. Then there is always the ‘No, I never applied there’ from a candidate who may have applied with your client multiple times. Luckily, my clients understand this happens.”

What’s one new recruiting strategy or technique that you’ve implemented in the past year that you wouldn’t mind sharing with other recruiters?

“I started keeping track of numbers. I used to do this when I was with FPC years ago, but had gotten out of the habit when the office closed and I went out on my own. I had a recruiting coach for the first two months in 2015, and I learned the value of numbers. I’m now focusing on how many first-time interviews I have each week instead of making placements. It’s amazing how that one focus change has made me more productive.”

What are your thoughts on the recruiting industry overall and where it might be headed in the next 12 to 18 months?

“Good question, and nobody has that crystal ball. When I first started recruiting, the Internet was just being introduced. The changes in the last 15 years alone have been tremendous, as we all know. What I’ve heard is that the aging workforce will make a demand on our industry to provide top talent, so that’s good news. I’ve also heard that the aging workforce does not necessarily want to retire (or can’t fully retire), so contract staffing will have a large uptick, giving the choice of committing to a job for a period of time and reassessing the situation at the end of a contract.

“HR and internal recruiters seem to be much bolder in reaching out directly to candidates on behalf of their employer, but they cannot devote their day to cold calling, still making us the solution. I clearly expect my desk to be very busy over the next year or more. For me, it’s still the only job where I can have the flexibility with my time and still make a good living, so I’m here until there is no longer a need for what we provide.”

Some recruiters might think that split recruiting fees pale in comparison to non-split fees. That’s certainly not the case with this recruiter case study, though.

That’s because Top Echelon Network recruiters and trading partners Mary Anne Buckley and Stephanie McGinty made two split placements on the same with fees totaling . . . wait for it . . . $111,475!

Seem far-fetched? It’s not. The duo placed two candidates on the same day this past November, and both of those placements brought with them hefty fees.

Split recruiting fees > non-split fees

In fact, their split recruiting fees were more than many recruiters’ non-split fees. The fee for the first placement was $42,875. The fee for the second placement was $68,600. Apply your basic math skills, and the total is $111,475.

As per Top Echelon Network membership regulations, each recruiter receives 47% of each placement fee. That means both Buckley and McGinty received $52,393 as a result of those two placements.

The monthly fee for Network Membership is $125 per month. Buckley and McGinty would have to be members for 419 months (or 35 years) to spend that much in membership dues.

As you can see, the return that they’ve received on their investment in the Network has been tremendous, as has been the return they’ve received on their investment in one another as trading partners. In fact, Buckley and McGinty have discussed what’s made them so successful as trading partners.

You can see read their “Hot Sheet” feature here.

In the meantime, if you doubt the impact that split recruiting fees can have on your desk and firm, doubt not more. Who wouldn’t want to make over $100,000 . . . in a single day?

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Stephanie McGinty of Ives and Associates, Inc.

Stephanie McGinty

Mary Anne Buckley, CPC of Interstate Recruiters Corp

Mary Anne Buckley, CPC

“Another great deal with my gal pal Stephanie! She gets me the candidate, I run with it, and the result is another fantastic hire for my client!”

Submitted by Mary Anne Buckley of Interstate Recruiters Corp regarding her Network split placement with Stephanie McGinty of Ives & Associates, Inc.


Fee Percentage—Flat

(Editor’s note: This is the eighth Network split placement that Buckley and McGinty have made together in Top Echelon.)

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“Yeah for Steph and I again! That’s $111,475 in billings in one day! Woo-hoo!”

Submitted by Mary Anne Buckley of Interstate Recruiters Corp regarding her Network split placement with Stephanie McGinty of Ives & Associates, Inc.


Fee Percentage—Flat

(Editor’s note: This is the ninth Network split placement that Buckley and McGinty have made together in Top Echelon.)

Okay, so we announced that Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group has made 400 career placements in Top Echelon Network. That’s not technically true because he has a lot of verbals out at the moment.

However, considering the fact that he’s currently making Network placements at a rate of one every three days, the point is pretty much mute. Even if one or two of those verbals fall off, but the time they do, he will have made another five or 10 placements.

400 Network placements = $3 million producer

Not only is Trey the first recruiter in the history of Top Echelon Network to make 400 career placements, but he’s also the first to be a $3 million producer in the Network. While he hasn’t technically made 400 placements yet (although he might have done so by the time you finish reading this sentence), he has billed $3 million.

However, I’m done talking about Trey . . . namely because his trading partners want to talk about him! They’re the people who are second-happiest about his runaway success in the Network. We would assume he’s the happiest, although you’re surely familiar with the dangers associated with making assumptions. I’m assuming you’re familiar with them . . .

If you’d like to become a top producer in the Network (and perhaps even become a $1 million producer), I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at

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Lois Rupkey of Byrnes and Rupkey, Inc.

Lois Rupkey

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

“As usual, hats off to Trey for pointing our job in the right direction and find us right talent! He believed our job search was ongoing, even though we posted it in May. He sent us Joe in October. The process is not completed with a November 30 start date! This adds to a happy holiday season for the staff at Byrnes & Rupkey. Great first year in TE!”

Submitted by Lois Rupkey of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that Rupkey and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC

Maria Hemminger

“Trey sent this candidate to us a couple of years ago. We added her to our database . . . stayed in touch with her . . . and eventually placed her. GREAT candidate. Happy to do yet ANOTHER split with our good friend and EXCELLENT trading partner, Trey Cameron.”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: This is the 14th Network split placement that Hemminger and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Melissa Truax of Premier Health Careers, Inc./Premier Paths

Melissa Truax

“Thank you, Trey! You are so awesome! Please keep marketing my jobs! You are so appreciated!”

Submitted by Melissa Truax of Premier Health Careers, Inc./Premier Paths regarding her Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the sixth Network split placement that Truax and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon.)

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“Thanks for hanging with us on this one! Cameron Craig pulled this one out of a hat or somewhere. We worked on the search for six months and thought it was never going to be filled. It was meant to be, I guess.”

Submitted by Jeff Ploeger of Ploeger Recruiting Services regarding his Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Ploeger and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon.)