Start a New Virtual Core Group! Yes, I’m Talking to You!
The success of Virtual Core Groups within Top Echelon Network is a well-documented fact.
Many recruiters have made split placements in this Network due to their participation in this Core Groups. These are placements they would NOT have made otherwise. We’ve been conducting these meetings for over nine years now.
They’re a proven success, and if you want to make more placements and increase your billings, then you should join an existing group or start your own group.
There are currently six (6) Virtual Core Groups. They include the following:
- Manufacturing/Engineering
- Accounting/Finance
- Biotech/Pharma/Medical Device
- Information Technology
- Software Sales
- Insurance
If your industry and niche is NOT represented above, then consider starting a new Virtual Core Group. If your industry and niche IS represented above, then I assume that you already participate in Virtual Core Groups. If you don’t . . . that will upset Uncle Drea.
During Virtual Core Group meetings, Network recruiters share important information, including hot job orders and hot candidates. In addition, they discuss the activity they’re currently seeing in the marketplace and share advice, tips, and other pearls of wisdom.
The Virtual Core Group schedule is posted in the news section of the Members’ Area. These meetings occur on the first, second, and third Thursday of each month.
Recruiters who attend Virtual Core Group meetings make more placements! We want YOU to make more placements! And we know that YOU want you to make more placements! So attend an existing Virtual Core Group meeting, or start a brand-new one.
Because whatever you do, you don’t want to upset Uncle Drea.
To get started, contact me at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.