Recruiters Searching for Great Candidates? Look HERE
Companies want great candidates! Internal recruiters want great candidates! External recruiters want great candidates!
Everybody wants them . . . but how do you find them?
Well, if you’re an organization or an internal recruiter, we don’t have much for you here. Move along. However, if you’re an external recruiting agency (especially one that’s Top Echelon Network member), then we’ve got good news for you.
YOUR trading partners have great candidates!
Top Echelon Network recruiters are finding great candidates every day, and they’re doing it by relying on their trading partners. We’re not kidding or joking or exaggerating about this.
Network members send us comments all the time describing how ridiculously happy they are because one of their trading partners found a candidate that nobody else could find—not their client, not another recruiter, not nobody. (Yes, that was a double negative.)
If you’re having difficulty completing a search for one of your clients because you absolutely, positively can NOT find the candidate you need, then turn to your trading partners. Find more trading partners. Find new trading partners. Do whatever it takes. Network recruiters can help you!
Once again, we have real-life split placement case studies that illustrate how Top Echelon Network members are leveraging the power of their trading partner relationships to help source the great candidates they need to fill their clients’ job orders. Those case studies are below.
Call your trading partners. Email them. Show up unexpectedly at their house. Stalk them, if necessary. Go the extra mile to let them know that you need their help.
Take their candidates, place their candidates, and split that hard-earned and satisfyingly hefty placement check. And then, you know, send us our 6%.
For more information about how YOU can create trading partner relationships that result in great candidates and more placements, contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.
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“Steve, we really appreciate you finding a Controller for us. We don’t deal in these types of guys, but to be able to fill this need for a great client of ours really means a lot to us and them. Thanks for taking your time to help with this search!”
Submitted by Bill Kubena of Kubena and Associates regarding his Network split placement with Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search
Position Title—CONTROLLER
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the fourth Network split placement that Kubena and Kohn have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Ashley sent me a great candidate for what had turned into a very difficult search. Thanks so much, Ashley!”
Submitted by Pat McCombs, CPC of KB Search Team, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Ashley Smith of Global Talent Resources Corp.
Position Title—PLANT MANAGER
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that McCombs and Smith have made together in Top Echelon.)