Are Hiring Managers Doomed to Make the Same Mistakes?
We recently conducted a poll of Top Echelon Network recruiters by posting a question in the Members’ Area.
That question was as follows:
What’s your biggest problem with clients right now?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:
- Getting job orders — 11.3%
- Lack of timely feedback — 37.9%
- Taking too long to extend an offer — 33.1%
- Not offering a relocation package — 3.2%
- Taking too long to pay an invoice — 4.8%
- Some other problem — 9.7%
Two responses were far and away the most popular ones in this poll, and they were “Lack of timely feedback” at 37.9% and “Taking too long to extend an offer” at 33.1%.
All of the other answers were far back in the pack. “Getting job orders” was third at 11.3%, while “Some other problem” actually garnered 9.7% of the vote.
Bringing up the rear were “Taking too long to pay an invoice” (4.8%) and “Not offering a relocation package” (3.2%).
Why is it that no matter what type of economic environment exits, companies and organizations always seem to have two main problems when it comes to their hiring process and working with recruiters?
#1—Communicating in an effective fashion
#2—Acting with urgency
Quality candidates are scarce. Quality candidates are interviewing with more than one company. Quality candidates are receiving more than one offer of employment. Doesn’t all of this add up to a need for effective communication and a sense of urgency?
Apparently not.
THIS is why companies lose out on top talent, and THIS is why hiring managers and company officials are left scratching their collective heads when they lose out on that talent.
It makes you wonder: will it ever change?
What do you think? Are the majority of hiring managers doomed to make the same major mistakes over and over when it comes to hiring top talent?
Post your comments below!