Recruiter of the Week: Robert Alexander!
It’s crazy to think that we haven’t made Top Echelon Network member Robert Alexander the Recruiter of the Week yet.
One big reason we are making him Recruiter of the Week for this week: his consistent production. As proof of that, check out these facts:
- Robert and his agency, Systems Technology International, joined Top Echelon’s recruiting network on January 30, 2014.
- Robert promptly made four split placements that year.
- He followed that with seven placements in 2015.
- Not satisfied with that, Robert made seven TE placements in 2016.
- That still wasn’t enough for Robert. He then made eight Network splits the following year.
- And now, with three months in the books, Robert has already made seven Top Echelon Network placements in 2018.
Robert Alexander: increasing production
So it looks as though Robert will make increasingly more placements during the first five years of his Network membership. That’s not just consistent production. That’s consistently increasing production.
While he joined our split network in 2014, Robert has been in the recruiting industry since 1994. That makes him an experienced veteran of the profession. Systems Technology International specializes in the field of Technical/Engineering, IT (Information Technology), Software Services, Creative, and Marketing Services virtually in every industry.
So congratulations to Robert Alexander, the Recruiter of the Week in Top Echelon Network!
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“This is our second placement together since just beginning communication about a month ago! Thank you for your partnership!”
Submitted by Melissa Truax of Premier Health Careers, Inc/ Premier Paths regarding her Network split placement with Robert Alexander of Systems Technology International, Inc.
Fee Percentage—Flat
(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Melissa and Robert have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Thanks, Robert . . . this candidate was right-on. Let’s do more! I have several very hot jobs posted that must be filled quickly! Fast interviews, fast hires, fast paying clients with whom I’ve made many placements.”
Submitted by Steve Moore of J.D. Cotter Search, Inc. regarding his Network split placement with Robert Alexander of Systems Technology International, Inc.
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Steve and Robert have made together in Top Echelon.)