Recruiter of the Month + 700 Top Echelon Placements
When I was growing up near Youngstown, Ohio, my family lived close to train tracks. A train would travel down those tracks with unerring regularity. You would think that might drive a family crazy.
However, a funny thing happened. After a while, we didn’t even notice that a train was barreling down the tracks hundreds of feet away from us. That’s because it happened so frequently that the noise just sort of “blended” into the background.
The train and its accompanying noise simply became a part of our lives. We no longer noticed it.
A LOT of Top Echelon placements
The Trey Cameron Placement Train has been barreling down the tracks for quite a few years now. And like the real train of my youth, it has “blended” into the background. That train has been running with such unerringly regularity that we don’t even notice it.
However, we’re going to notice it in this week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. That’s because Trey has reached quite an impressive milestone: 700 Top Echelon placements. (In fact, as of the writing of this blog post, Trey’s total was 717 placements.)
In addition to making that many Top Echelon placements, Trey has also billed over $5.6 million through the Network. As you might imagine, both of those achievements are TE production records.
And as you can see, Trey nabbed another Recruiter of the Month Award. So we want to congratulate him on his accomplishments, everybody on the list below, and everybody who made Top Echelon placements during the month of March. Congratulations!
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Recruiters of the Month:
1st Place: Trey Cameron
Agency: Cameron Craig Group
Placements: eleven (11)
Commission: $79,077
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2nd Place: Alan Daum
Agency: Alan N. Daum & Associates, Inc.
Placements: four (4)
Commission: $55,554
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3rd Place: Terry Rhodes
Agency: NewCareers
Placements: three (3)
Commission: $18,490.27
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4th Place: Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPC
Agency: MMS Group
Placements: two (2)
Commission: $39,738
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5th Place: Jason Sullivan
Agency: Ethical Search Professionals, Ltd.
Placements: two (2)
Commission: $24,134
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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its split recruiting awards based upon two criteria, which are listed below in order of importance:
1.) The number of split placements made
2.) The amount of “cash-in” dollars earned as a result of those split placements
This explains why, when multiple recruiters are tied with the same number of placements during a given month or quarter, the recruiter with the largest “cash-in” total is deemed the winner.
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If you’re looking to make more placements with your Top Echelon recruiter network membership, contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.