Q&A: the Top Echelon Referral Program
As we’ve mentioned on many occasions before, some of our best Top Echelon Network members . . . were referrals from some of our other members. That’s why I’d like to take a moment to go over the Top Echelon Referral Program.
The first thing to note about the program is that it’s NOT just for Network membership. The program covers our four main products and services. In addition to the Network, the program also pertains to the following:
- Big Biller recruiting software
- Top Echelon contract staffing services
- Top Echelon recruitment website design
The second thing to note is that the referral bonus is a flat $100. However, I’m sure that you have additional questions regarding our program. So I’m presenting supplementary information regarding the program in a Q&A format.
Q—So what form is this $100 going to take? Are you just going to mail cash to me?
A—Sadly, no. If you’re the main contact of your firm, the $100 will be credited to your account and taken off your invoice. If you’re NOT the main contact of your firm, then the $100 will still be credited to the account of the Network firm for which you work.
Q—When do I get my money?
A—In order for us to credit your account, your referral has to be an active customer for two months. After two months have passed, then we’ll pay your referral bonus.
Q—Can I only refer recruiters for Top Echelon Network?
A—No, as I mentioned earlier, you can refer recruiters for the Network, Big Biller, Contracting, and website design. Each referral is worth $100 following the two-month waiting period.
Q—Is there a limit to the number of recruiters I can refer?
A—Absolutely not. You can refer as many people as you’d like. If they become an active customer of any of our four products and/or services for a period of at least two months, we’ll pay you the $100 referral bonus.
Q—What happens if I refer somebody who becomes a member of the Network . . . and then they become Big Biller, website, and contracting customers, too? Does that mean I get $400?
A—Afraid not. The maximum amount that you’re able to earn from a single referral is $100. However, if you refer four separate agencies for each of our four products, then you would receive $400. After the two-month waiting period, of course.
Q—How can I give you my referrals?
A—At the present time, you can submit referrals by sending them via email to contact@TopEchelon.com.
If you’ve given us referrals in the past, I’d like to thank you for those referrals and encourage you to continue sending them our way. Much like recruiters, referrals are important to our business.
We look forward to adding more quality customers just like YOU!