Proven Protocols for Working a Job in TE, Part 3

If you’ve been playing along, then you know that this is the third and final part of my “Proven Protocols for Working a Job in TE” series of blog posts.

Click HERE to read the first blog post in the series, and click HERE to read the second.

In my previous blog post, I addressed the questions that the candidate recruiter should ask the job order recruiter during the initial phone conversation in the building of their split recruiting partnership. In this blog post, I’m going to address best practices for the follow-up.

Once the initial phone call occurs, let the job order recruiter know whether you’re going to continue working the job or if you’re moving on to something else. This will help them have clarification on who is actually working their job and who is not.

If you are recruiting on the job, continually update them, even if you have found nothing. This lets them know where you are in the search and that you’re still working for them.

When submitting candidates to the job order recruiter, be sure to submit them directly through the Top Echelon software. This will ensure that your name is tied to the candidate as the pipeline source for that particular job.

In addition, keep your eye on your notifications within the software. If the job order recruiter is interested in your candidate, then that candidate will be moved to the Qualifying Stage. If the job order recruiter is not interested, then the recruiter will delete your candidate or give the candidate a “thumbs down” and save them for another job on a rainy day.

When the job order recruiter creates activities with your candidate, they are encouraged to use the Top Echelon system and “Share Activity Details” functionality. This is the most efficient way for them to update you on the candidate and their status with the job.

If you do not hear anything from the job order recruiter regarding your submission, then they’re probably not interested. It is not a reasonable request to be told why each candidate is not a fit. Time is best spent on the candidates who are a fit and not on those who do not meet the qualifications for the role.

Remember, trust your partners’ relationship and understanding of their clients’ needs. After all, they want to make placements just as badly as you do.

Thank you for joining me for this special series of blog posts in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. I hope this clears up any confusion you may have had regarding how to work another Network member’s job order.

If you have any questions about this blog post (or this series) or if you want to be more successful in our recruiting network right NOW, then please contact me.

You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

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