The Power of the Network: the “Complete Package”
Last week, we kicked off our new “Power of the Network” in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. And now we’re back with our second blog post in the series! And it deals with the complete package when it comes to the placement process in Top Echelon’s recruiter network.
There are a lot of components involved in a non-split placement. So as you might imagine, there are even more components involved in a split placement. But when everything happens the way it’s supposed to happen, it can be a beautiful thing.
A gift wrapped split placement package
That beautiful thing took the form of a recent placement involving Cindy Szajkovics and Adam Franklin. As you can see, Cindy had a ton of nice things to say about Adam’s involvement in the placement.
Those nice things represent the value of Network membership. In other words, they represent the “Power of the Network.” Among those things are the following:
- Knowledge of the job order recruiter’s needs
- Knowledge of the client’s needs
- Connections with numerous top candidates
- Extensive knowledge of the marketplace in general
- Presentation of a high-quality candidate
- Willingness to “hang in there” during a lengthy hiring and placement process
- Willingness to do whatever is necessary to close the deal
It all adds up to a gift wrapped split placement package! The true “Power of the Network” resides in your trading partners. They have the experience, the contacts, and the know-how to help you increase your split fee recruiting business and by extension, your revenue.
Let us help you meet great recruiters, so that you can build trading partner relationships with them. Then you can experience the power—and the value—that Top Echelon’s recruiting network has to offer.
If YOU are looking to make more split placements in TE, then contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
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“This was a longer cycle than expected, but it was very nice working with Adam. His candidate was spot-on, and Adam knew exactly what we needed after he and I talked about my clients’ needs. [Adam is a] great recruiter who knows the candidates and the market. I can’t wait to get the next placement with Adam. Thank you for your help!”
Submitted by Cindy Szajkovics, CPC of Bulldog Recruiters, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Adam Franklin of TradeLink Solutions
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Cindy and Adam have made together in Top Echelon.)