Do YOU Plan to Grow Your Business Next Year?
The end of the year is a good time for a recruiting agency owner to think about growth. Specifically, about how they’re going to grow their business during the next year.
There are many different ways to grow your business. However, we chose just two ways when we polled members of Top Echelon’s recruiting network recently.
Two ways call for two different poll questions. The first of those two questions was follows:
Do you plan to grow your recruiting business in terms of personnel in the next year?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of split network recruiters that selected each one:
- Yes, absolutely. — 15.2%
- I’m leaning toward yes, but not 100% sure. — 13.3%
- It’s a very remote possibility. — 18.1%
- No, absolutely not. — 47.6%
- I actually have no idea. — 5.7%
And then we asked THIS question:
Do you plan to grow your recruiting business in terms of resources/tools in the next year?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of split fee recruiting network members that selected each one:
- Yes, absolutely. — 34.6%
- I’m leaning toward yes, but not 100% sure. — 22.1%
- It’s a very remote possibility. — 18.3%
- No, absolutely not. — 19.2%
- I actually have no idea. — 5.8%
Grow? Yes, no, maybe so
As you can see, the two areas that we chose to explore were growth in terms of personnel and resources/tools. Right off the bat, recruiters indicated that they plan to grow more in the latter category than the former. That’s because 15.2% said, “Yes, absolutely” for personnel, but 34.6% said “Yes, absolutely” for resources/tools.
A look at the other end of the spectrum supports this data. Nearly half of poll participants (47.6%) chose “No, absolutely not” when asked about personnel. However, only 19.2% chose “No, absolutely not” when asked about resources/tools.
There are other poll results that are interesting, including the following:
- Approximately the same percentage of recruiters indicated that growth is “a very remote possibility” for personnel (18.1%) and resources/tools (18.3%).
- Approximately the same percentage of recruiters indicated that they “actually have no idea” in terms of growth for personnel (5.7%) and resources/tools (5.8%).
Growing your business, of course, involves an investment. You have to spend money to make money. You know the drill. The bottom line in terms of these polls that members of Top Echelon Network are more likely to invest in resources and tools than they are to invest in personnel. That makes sense, since investing in personnel can be more costly.
Hiring people is a commitment. And that’s something that recruiters know better than most.
Looking to maximize your membership in Top Echelon’s recruiter network and make more split placements?
Then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.