Pam and Steve Copeland: 50 TE Placements Apiece!
We’ve profiled Top Echelon Network recruiters Pam and Steve Copeland within the pages of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog before. Specifically, we did so last year with the blog post “The Copelands: TE’s Top-Producing ‘Dynamic Duo.’”
At the time, Pam and Steve were the first husband and wife recruiting duo in the Top 10 in the Network in terms of cash-in on a rolling 12-month basis. Alas, that is no longer the case, although Pam is currently ranked #6.
However, the Copelands are back in the news for another reason. For two other reasons, as a matter of fact. Those reasons are listed below:
- Pam and Steve have now made 53 Network placements apiece during their tenure in Top Echelon.
- Their firm, fulltimeGiGs, has now made 106 total Network placements since joining Top Echelon in February of 2011.
Those are two very impressive milestones. Not only did Pam and Steve become the first husband and wife duo to be in the Top 10 at the same time, but now they’re also the first such duo to make at least 50 Network split placements apiece. And to top it all off, their firm has now hit the 100-placement plateau, and fulltimeGiGS accomplished that feat in less than six years.
Copeland . . . Copeland cabana
In our previous blog post about the Copelands, we listed four reasons that they were Top Echelon Network’s top-producing “dynamic duo.” To recap, those reasons are as follows:
- Participation
- Networking
- Leveraging the power of their website
- Investing in their membership
At their current rate, it’s conceivable that both Pam and Steve could hit the 100-placement plateau in Top Echelon Network within five years from now. That would, of course, give fulltimeGiGs a total of 200 Network placements.
So congratulations to Pam Copeland and Steve Copeland—for their individual achievements and also for their combined efforts in our elite recruiting network. They are most definitely a “dynamic duo” and will hopefully be so for years to come!
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“Pam had provided Mark in our firm [the candidate’s] resume, but he was also great for my job. He ended up with two offers and took the one closest to home. Pam provides great people!”
Submitted by Kelly Zahn of Markent Personnel regarding his Network split placement with Pam Copeland of fulltimeGiGS
Fee Percentage—Flat
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Zahn and Copeland have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Thanks so much, Pam, for the great candidate! Love making split placements with you!”
Submitted by Kristy Staggs of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Pam Copeland of fulltimeGiGS
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that Staggs and Copeland have made together in Top Echelon.)