Outstanding Candidates, Wonderful Split Partners
This week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we’ve already addressed the topic of investing in your split partners.
The main reason you should? You could receive a HUGE return on that investment!
What kind of investment? Well, as the comments below illustrate, that return can take the form of outstanding candidates and wonderful split partners.
As for the outstanding candidates, you can place those. And as for the wonderful split partners, you can make more split placements with them going forward. (By the way, that is the very definition of a win-win situation.)
These placements are all the proof you need that Top Echelon’s recruiter network works. It’s a formula that has served our members well since 1988 . . . and will continue to do so into the future.
After all, what recruiter doesn’t want outstanding candidates and wonderful split partners?
If you want to enjoy more success in the Network, then I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.
You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
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“Thank you so much, Gary, for sharing [the candidate] with me! He is an outstanding candidate, and I know he will be successful in this role. You are wonderful to work with, and I am so glad we filled this role! Thanks again!”
Submitted by Katy McCracken of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Gary Thompson of Retail Options Executive Search
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Katy and Gary have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Thanks for your help, Steve. [The candidate] has a great technical background and fantastic attitude! His flexibility won him the position.”
Submitted by Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search regarding his Network split placement with Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Chuck and Steve have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Donna is always so awesome to work with! I’m so glad that we finally got a deal together!”
Submitted by Deb North of True North Consulting, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Donna Schuback, CPC of Schuback Search Associates, Ltd.
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Deb and Donna have made together in Top Echelon.)