Network Benefits: Good Friends, GREAT Split Partners
There are a LOT of benefits of membership in Top Echelon’s recruiting network.
What are they? Well, the chance to make split placements is one of them. Who can argue with more revenue? You have the opportunity to fill job orders that you would not have been able to fill on your own. Thus, you look like a superstar to your clients, who throw more job orders at you. (Okay, they might not literally throw them at you. But even if they did, you’d be okay with that, wouldn’t you?)
Network benefits breakdown
Anyway, we’ll be addressing the topic of Top Echelon Network benefits in this installment of “‘Comments’ and Compliments.” Specifically, we’ll be addressing the following two benefits:
- Good friends
- GREAT split network partners
Good friends
Yes, you can make friends with other Top Echelon Network members. It’s happened over and over again. When you work with somebody on a consistent basis, this can and does happen. And then, when you meet that person face-to-face at recruiter networking events like the National Convention and Fall Conference, you cement the relationship. That’s because you eat together, drink together (adult beverages or otherwise), and even bowl or sing karaoke together. What’s the only thing better than making more placements? Making more placements while also making good friends.
GREAT split partners
When you form a great split partner relationship with another Network member, it inevitably means one thing. It means that you’re going to make multiple placements with that person! There are examples of this more numerous to count in Top Echelon, both past and present. Network members have made 10, 20, 30 placements, and more together. (See Maria Hemminger and Trey Cameron’s 20th split below.)
The most important ingredient in a situation like that is trust, one of the Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network. When you have a good friend who is also a great trading partner and you trust them, BOOM! A placement explosion of flavor.
Contact Drea Codispoti!
Are you looking for more Top Echelon recruiting network benefits? Are you looking for good friends AND great split partners? Then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.
You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
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“Great job, Gary! You stuck with me and it paid off. Nice doing business with you again!”
Submitted by Jeff Ploeger of Ploeger Recruiting Services regarding his Network split placement with Gary Elias of Elias Associates, Inc.
Position Title—EHS MANAGER
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Jeff and Gary have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Glad to have some Construction people in the Network. The industry is picking up. Thanks to Rob for supplying a great candidate!”
Submitted by Georgette Sandifer of Gallman Consulting regarding her Network split placement with Robert Alexander of Systems Technology International, Inc.
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Georgette and Robert have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Another placement with our good friend and GREAT trading partner, Trey Cameron. Just in time to toast in Chicago!”
Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the 20th Network split placement that Maria and Trey have made together in Top Echelon.)