Members’ First TE Split Scores Biggest Fee in August
The only thing better than making your first Top Echelon Network placement . . . is having that placement also win the Largest Split Fee of the Month Award!
And that’s exactly what happened during the month of August. That’s because Beverly Berdine of Kenefick & Associates, Inc. and Kelvin Young of Work Horse Temps, LLC made their first TE split with each other. They placed a Medical Director, and the fee associated with their placement was $52K.
As you can see below, Beverly and Kelvin’s fee was hardly the only sizeable one in TE during the month of August. Network recruiters continue to not only rack up the placements, but also rack up the big placement fees!
As a reminder, Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its Network split fee recruiting awards in four distinct categories:
1.) Recruiter of the Month
2.) Largest Split Fee of the Month
3.) Recruiter of the Quarter
4.) Largest Split Fee of the Quarter
We only announce the winners of these awards in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. We do so usually (but not always) in the issue following the conclusion of each month and/or quarter.
So congratulations to everybody on list below for making some BIG placement fees during the month of August!
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Largest Split Fee — August 2021
Beverly Berdine of Kenefick & Associates, Inc. and Kelvin Young of Work Horse Temps, LLC
The position for this split placement was a Medical Director and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 20%.
Beverly was the job order recruiter and Kelvin was the candidate recruiter.
The fee for this split placement was $52,000.
This is the first split placement that Beverly and Kelvin have made together in Top Echelon Network.
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Second Place:
James Sullivan of Ethical Search Professionals, Ltd. and Jack Nagdev of Staffor
The position for this split placement was an Director of Manufacturing and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 22%.
James was the job order recruiter and Jack was the candidate recruiter.
The fee for this split placement was $44,000.
This is the second split placement that James and Jack have made together in Top Echelon Network.
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Third Place:
David Evans of Perfect Fit Placement and Ann Boland of The Boland Group
The position for this split placement was an Executive Director and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 28%.
David was the job order recruiter and Ann was the candidate recruiter.
The fee for this split placement was $37,800.
This is the third split placement that David and Ann have made together in Top Echelon Network.
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Fourth Place:
Erika Staszewski of Integritas Search and Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.
The position for this split placement was a General Manager and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 25%.
Erika was the job order recruiter and Gary was the candidate recruiter.
The fee for this split placement was $37,500.
This is the third split placement that Erika and Gary have made together in Top Echelon Network.
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Fifth Place:
Eric Rabichow of ChainLink and Sonia Malik of Saba Talent
The position for this split placement was a Client Partner and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 20%.
Eric was the job order recruiter and Sonia was the candidate recruiter.
The fee for this split placement was $35,000.
This is the second split placement that Eric and Sonia have made together in Top Echelon.
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If YOU want to make more money through Top Echelon’s recruiter network, then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.
You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.