Make Split Placements in Las Vegas at the Convention!
Okay, so Regular Registration for the 2016 National Convention is over. But that’s no cause for alarm. Or concern. Or some other third emotion.
You can still sign up for the convention, just at the Late Registration price. Even at that (slightly elevated) price, attending the National Convention is worth the price of admission. That’s because there is plenty of value being offered to attendees.
That’s because recruiters who attend TE conferences and conventions make split placements together!
Make split placements, rinse, repeat
Take, for instance, two of the recruiters featured below—David M. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants, Inc. and Angela Marasco of A. Marasco Recruiting, LLC:
- Dave has made 85 Network placements.
- Angela has made 88 Network placements.
- They’re both regular attendees of Top Echelon events.
- They’ve met each other at these events.
- They’ve made split placements together (four, to be exact).
There are currently 113 Network members registered for the National Convention, which is next month in Las Vegas. Recruiters will meet in Vegas. They’ll network. They’ll make split placements with one another.
So check your calendar (and clear it, if need be.) Then plan to join us at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino. Because the National Convention is not a cause for alarm or concern . . . it’s a cause for fun and business development!
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“Angela, thank you for another great candidate! You do a great job of qualifying and screening candidates for me! Thanks again! See you in Vegas!”
Submitted by David M. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Angela Marasco of A. Marasco Recruiting, LLC
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the fourth Network split placement that Sgro and Marasco have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Bob did a great job in helping me with this search. He went out of his way to hone in on the ‘must haves’ and grasp a total understanding of my client needs. Thanks, Bob!”
Submitted by Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC regarding his Network split placement with Bob Millman of AutoPro Technical Recruiting
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Sunshine and Millman have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Ray was a fantastic partner. He sent me two candidates, one of which seemed like the perfect match. Ray was supportive throughout the process and saw it through to the end. Thanks, Ray!”
Submitted by Ed Keil of Reliance Recruiting, LLC regarding his Network split placement with Ray Fehrenbach, CPC of Southern Recruiters
Position Title—HR MANAGER
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Keil and Fehrenbach have made together in Top Echelon.)