“Looking Forward” to Making More Split Placements
What is the litmus test for determining the success of a split placement?
No, this is not a trick question. You might say, “The placement fee, you idiot!” and you’d be right. (About the placement fee part, not the idiot part. Nice try.)
A split placement is really successful when both of the recruiters involved are looking forward to making more split placements with each other in the future. That’s because the only thing better than making one split is making multiple splits.
Making more split placements in TE
Who’s looking forward to making more split placements in Top Echelon? The Network members below, that’s who?
Not only did they make split placements recently, and not only are they excited about those placements and pleased with their experience, but they’re also looking forward to making more. And since they’re looking forward to it, they’ll be seeking opportunities to make it happen.
That’s what it means to be “split-minded.” It doesn’t mean you have two opinions. Or two brains. Or you’re a politician. It means you believe in split placements, you enjoy making them, and you want to make them.
If you want to make more of them, I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.
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“Cindy is a great trading partner! She really listened to what my client needed and delivered exceptional candidates. I look forward to making more splits in 2016.”
Submitted by Kerry Boehner of KOB Solutions, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Cindy Jabaay of Career Development Partners
Position Title—VIROLOGIST
Fee Percentage—22%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Boehner and Jabaay have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Greg came up with an excellent candidate for this very specific job opening. His wife already lived in the area, and the candidate was working out of state. Everything worked out for both the client company, the candidate, Greg, myself, and Top Echelon. This is the second placement we’ve made together. I look forward to doing more with you!”
Submitted by Bob Long of Executive Personnel Services regarding his Network split placement with Greg Downs, CPC of Downs Associates
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Long and Downs have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“GREAT candidate for a hard position to fill! Filling a hard-to-fill job with an excellent importer on December 23 . . . BEST Christmas present! Thank you, Dave, for your help on this job.”
Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her Network split placement with David Wick, CPC of Wick Jobs (Career Center of Cincinnati)
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Hemminger and Wick have made together in Top Echelon.)