‘Jim Owes Me About $9,000 in Beer for This One’

Welcome to what might be the most scandalous edition of “‘Comments’ and Compliments” yet!  There’s talk of beer, dancing, and rock and roll!

Actually, we’re just exaggerating a bit—but it did get your attention.  As if splitting a hefty placement fee with another recruiter isn’t enough to grab your attention.  C’mon, who wouldn’t want to do that?

But of course, that’s not all (when IS it all?)  There’s also mention of the upcoming Top Echelon Network National Convention in this edition, and what a coincidence, since the convention will be held next week at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tenn.

'Comments' and ComplimentsThat means Regular Registration for the convention is rapidly coming to an end.  You have until the end of the business day on Tuesday, March 13, to sign up for the convention at the Regular Registration price.  After that, you’ll have to pay the Late Registration fee.  Don’t do that.  Sign up now!

And as far as $9,000 in beer is concerned, we have no idea what you’re talking about.  Just know that if you do attend the convention, there’s a chance we might disavow knowledge of your existence.  You know, if it’s for the greater good and all.

Click here to register for the 2012 Top Echelon Network National Convention.  If you’d like  to recognize another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation (and maybe demand alcohol from them in the process), send your information to marketing@topechelon.com.  Your comments might be featured in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

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Alan CartyJim Folger“Jim owes me about $9,000 in beer for this one.  The Nashville conference is coming up soon, right?”

Submitted by Alan Carty of Automationtechies.com regarding his split placement with Jim Folger of ONESource Technical

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Carty and Folger have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Steve Copeland“Hoping his momma can dance and his daddy can rock and roll!”

Submitted by Steve Copeland of Albert Energy, LLC regarding his split placement with Chuck Szajkovics of Bulldog Recruiters, Inc.

Fee Percentage—22.5%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Copeland and Szajkovics have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Remember, if you have compliments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email them to marketing@TopEchelon.com.

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