How Does Your ‘Cash-In’ Compare to Last Year at This Time?


Everybody’s asking the question, “Is the economy getting better?”  However, a more pertinent question for you might be, “Is the economy getting better for recruiters?”

(After all, history has proven that the answers to these two questions are not necessarily the same.)

We thought that the Top Echelon Network Preferred Membership would serve as an accurate gauge for the second of these two questions, and that’s why we posted to the question to the Membership in the form of a survey.

That question was as follows:

How does your overall “cash-in” through three quarters of 2013 compare to this point last year?


The choice of answers that were provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters who selected each answer:

  • Up more than 20% — 30.4%
  • Up 1% to 20%— 20.3%
  • The same — 17.4%
  • Down 1% to 20% — 10.1%
  • Down more than 20% — 21.7%


Recruitment SurveyAs is often the case when we present a question such as this one, the results are pretty much spread out, although in this case, the most popular answer was “up more than 20%” at 30.4% of the vote.  Perhaps just as telling, though, is the fact “down more than 20%” was the second-most popular answer at 21.7%.

Overall, more of the recruiters participating in the survey (50.5%) have experienced an increase in their “cash-in” total through the first three quarters of the year than those who have experienced a decline (31.8%).

The rest (17.4%)?  Things are the same . . . which could be good or bad, depending on how much they billed last year.


How about YOU?  Is your “cash-in” total higher than at this time last year, is it lower, or is it the same?  What are the reasons?

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