How Confident Are TE Recruiters in Their Skills?
Confidence is such an elusive thing. One minute you have it . . . the next minute you don’t. But how confident are recruiters? More specifically, how confident are they in regards to their skills?
Great question. Thank you for asking it.
Also, thank you for being a recruiter. Since this is a question that only recruiters can answer, it’s also a question that we can only ask of recruiters. And Top Echelon Network is chock full of recruiters.
So—we recently asked the following poll questions of said recruiters. (That’s right: questions, plural.) Please review for both your edification and your enjoyment.
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On a scale of one (1) to five (5), with five being the highest, how confident are you in your skills as a recruiter?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of split network recruiters that selected each one:
- five (5) — 43.7%
- Four (4) — 40.5
- Three (3) — 14.3%
- Two (2) — 1.6%
- One (1) — 0.0%
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On a scale of one (1) to five (5), with five being the highest, how confident are you in your skills as a business person?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage Network recruiters that selected each one:
- five (5) — 27.8%
- Four (4) — 52.6%
- Three (3) — 17.5%
- Two (2) — 1.0%
- One (1) — 1.0%
The skills that pay the bills
The results of this poll aren’t too terribly surprising. It should not come as a shock that recruiters are more confident in their recruiting skills than their recruitment business skills. The percentage that graded themselves as a “five” for the former was 43.7%, while it was only 27.8% for the latter.
Also as you might expect, not many recruiters gave themselves really low marks. The vast majority of responses were between “three” and “five.”
The good news is that members of Top Echelon Network appear to be quite confident in their recruiting skills. In addition to 43.7% rating themselves a “five,” another 40.5% rated themselves a “four.” That means 84.2% of TE recruiters graded themselves a “four” or higher.
On the other side of the aisle, 52.6% of Network members rated themselves a “four” in terms of business savvy. Do some more math, and that means 80.4% of TE recruiters graded themselves a “four” or higher in that category.
It makes sense that members of our split fee recruiting network are largely confident. That’s because confidence is often a prerequisite for success. Here at Top Echelon, we pride ourselves on finding the most successful recruiters.
And we’re confident in our ability to do just that. We’d probably give ourselves a “five” . . . mayyyyybe a high “four.” What’s that? There is no such thing as a high “four”? Hey, we make the rules, not you.