May 26, 1992: A Great Day in TE Network History!
So let’s cut right to the chase. Why is May 26, 1992 a great day in the history of Top Echelon Network?
Because that was the day that both recruiting agencies Discovery Personnel, Inc. and Professional Dynamics, Inc. joined the Network!
Network success . . . day by day
Sure, at the moment it didn’t seem like it was a big deal. However, the passage of time has certainly changed the situation.
A simple took at the numbers tells the tale. Since May 26, 1992, Discovery Personnel, Inc. has:
- Accounted for 103 placements in Top Echelon’s recruiter network
- Generated $637K cash-in through the Network
Professional Dynamics, Inc., on the other hand, has:
- Made 127 placements through Top Echelon’s recruiting network
- Generated $975K cash-in through the Network
Back to the future
Put that all together, and you have 230 placements with a cash-in total of over $1.6 million! So yeah . . . all things being equal, that was a pretty great day in the Network’s history.
Not only that, but both of these firms are celebrating their 25th anniversary in the Network this month! They’re not the only firm to do so, though. JobCareers in El Paso, Texas is celebrating its 24th anniversary in TE.
So while we celebrate a great day in the Network’s history, we look forward to many more such days to come. May they be filled with split placements, large placement fees, and plenty of sunshine!
(Editor’s note: Top Echelon recognizes firms celebrating five, 10, 15, and 20-year Network anniversaries, plus any firm celebrating an anniversary in excess of 20 years.)
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25-Year Anniversary
Discovery Personnel, Inc. in Burnsville, Minnesota
Staff Members: James Heilman
Agency Join Date: May 26, 1992
Placements: 103
Professional Dynamics, Inc.
Staff Members: Dave Hirsch
Agency Join Date: May 26, 1992
Placements: 127
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24-Year Anniversary
JobCareers in El Paso, Texas
Staff Members: Michael D. Smithson, CPC; Michael Herrera; Erandy Montenegro; and Graziella De Petris
Agency Join Date: May 13, 2013
Placements: 40
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15-Year Anniversary
Fowler Placement Services, Inc. in Powell, Ohio
Staff Members: Kim Fowler and Mike Cirner
Agency Join Date: May 21, 2002
Placements: 28
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10-Year Anniversary
Bridgeway Professionals, Inc. in Ottawa, Ohio
Staff Members: Rose Langhals, Amy Recker, and Beth Eickholt
Agency Join Date: May 31, 2007
Placements: 52