Gary Silver and Donna Carroll Make Their 50th Split Placement!
You read that correctly—recruiters Gary Silver and Donna Carroll have made their 50th split placement together in Top Echelon Network!
There simply are not enough superlatives to describe the excellence associated with their abilities as recruiters and as Trading Partners. The simple facts surrounding their achievements speak volumes:
- Gary has made 236 placements as a Preferred Member recruiter in Top Echelon Network.
- Donna has made 132 placements as a Preferred Member recruiter in Top Echelon Network.
- They have a combined total of 47 years of recruiting experience.
- They have a combined tenure in Top Echelon Network of 44 years.
- They’ve made both direct-hire split placements and contract split placements in Top Echelon.
- Donna has made 59 contract placements through Top Echelon Contracting, and five of those were splits with Gary.
- Gary has made nine contract placements through Top Echelon Contracting, and five of those were splits with Donna.
Below are comments from their 50th Network split placement, and below that are comments both of them have made regarding the strength and success of their Trading Partner relationship.
As you can see, Gary and Donna both adhere to The Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network (especially Trust)—they believe in them, they practice them, and they’re one of the main reasons these two recruiters have made 50 split placements together.
Congratulations to Gary and Donna from everybody at Top Echelon!
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“Extraordinary [Trading] Partner Donna Carroll does it again! Thanks, Donna!”
Submitted by Gary Silver of The Shay Group regarding his Network split placement with Donna Carroll, CPC of Systems Personnel
Fee Percentage—22%
(Editor’s note: This is the 50th Network split placement that Silver and Carroll have made together in Top Echelon.)
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Donna Carroll, CPC
“I believe the reason cited for our split placements (regular communication) is exactly the reason our Trading Partner relationship works so well. Not only do we share all details regarding our searches and candidates, but we also involve one another in our client relationships. Gary and I have often introduced one another to our clients and included the other on conference calls with our clients.
“Obviously, this approach allows us to know as much as possible about our respective searches, but it also demonstrates to our clients that we have a team of highly qualified recruiters working on their behalf. This level of trust comes from years of cooperative work and understanding each other’s business philosophy. It also enables us to be a sounding board for the other when we need a second opinion or some advice on how to handle a particular situation.
“Were it not for our regular communication over the years, we would not have developed this level of trust that is the root of our success together.”
Submitted by Donna Carroll, CPC of Systems Personnel regarding her Trading Partner relationship with Gary Silver of The Shay Group
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Gary Silver
“To be good partners, we have developed a solid foundation of trust. We listen to each other regarding the requirements of the searches we work to fill, along with, of course, the subtleties and nuances that come up in the placement dance.
“And like a prescription, we communicate on an as-needed basis. All that being said–we are genuinely mindful of each other’s best interest, on an equal measure with our own.”
Submitted by Gary Silver of The Shay Group regarding his Trading Partner relationship with Donna Carroll, CPC of Systems Personnel
This is super cool Donna and Gary! Congratulations!
Thank you so much, Trey–we appreciate it. I agree…it is pretty cool, and exciting!
Donna and Gary, that is a great accomplishment and wish you both great success in 2015!…..Bob Ferris NE-17.