Free Training Video: “Get Inside Your Client’s Head”
Top Echelon offers a free monthly webinar as part of its Expert Recruiter Coaching Series.
These webinars touch upon a variety of recruiter-related topics. These topics deal with both job candidates and clients. As always, our goal with these webinars is to help agency recruiters and executive search consultants just like YOU make more placements.
We record these webinars for those recruiters who can’t attend the live recording, and we’re now pleased to offer the video from our most recent webinar by Rob Mosley of Next Level Exchange.
The title of that webinar (and corresponding training video) is “Get Inside Your Client’s Head: Understanding the Client Decision Process.”
Below is the official description for this training video:
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Your prospects and clients are very busy people. Their jobs require them to make many decisions daily, and frequently, with a sense of urgency. From the moment you connect by email, voice mail, or in a live conversation, the clock is running and your prospect is judging you. Here’s the bottom line:
If you don’t know where your client is in their decision process, there is NO way that you can know where you are in your sales or closing process.
In this Expert Recruiter Coaching Series webinar video, Rob Mosley of Next Level Exchange addresses your ability to better anticipate and understand how your prospects and clients think when they’re making important decisions around your candidates and the value you bring to them.
When you watch this dynamic training video, you will:
- Gain insight into how your client thinks during The 8 Stages of The Decision Process.
- Explore the underlying four great truths of our industry that drive client decisions.
- Learn that where you enter the decision-making process determines how your client perceives you.
- Explore the models of relationship and influence that help you navigate your clients’ decisions.
So stop guessing and start making more placements . . . and “Get Inside Your Client’s Head”!
Watch this FREE training video!
Recorded versions of our Expert Recruiter Coaching Series webinars are posted on our website as free online recruitment training courses in the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Library.
Keep an eye out for the next free webinar in our Expert Recruiter Coaching Series!