The Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network

Every once in a while, we reference The Four Pillars of Top Echelon’s recruiter network in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

Considering everything that is happening in the world right now, I thought this would be a good time to return to the basics and fundamentals of Top Echelon Network. And the basics and fundamentals of the Network starts with The Four Pillars.

I’ve been Top Echelon’s Director of Network Operations for well over a decade now. As a result, I can say with certainty that if you practice and adhere to these Pillars, you can enjoy more success in Top Echelon.

So without further adieu, here are The Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network:

Pillar #1: Quality

Everything starts with quality. That means quality should be infused into everything you do within the Network. You should strive to submit quality jobs and quality candidates. You should strive to have quality interactions with other Network members.

Quality is a great way to brand yourself as a member. If other Network recruiters know that you deal in quality, then they will be more likely to want to work with you.

When other Network recruiters want to work with you, this increases the chances that you’ll make split placements. Cha-ching!

Pillar #2: Communication

To enjoy success in Top Echelon Network, you must communicate well. What does that mean, exactly? It means:

  • Communicating often.
  • Communicating in as many different ways as is necessary.
  • Identifying the most important information and making sure that information is communicated first.
  • Clarifying information during every step of the recruitment process.

Actually, we want you to over-communicate with other Network members. That’s because when you try to over-communicate, it usually means you’ll end up communicating just enough.

Despite good intentions, miscommunication can derail any deal.

Pillar #3: Trust

This is quite possibly the most important Pillar. That’s because this is where the “rubber meets the road,” so to speak.

You have to trust another Network member to share your job order or candidate with them. However, when you find split recruiting partners you trust and you share with them liberally, that can lead to a TON of split business.

The most successful trading partner relationships in the history of Top Echelon have been built upon the Pillar of Trust. Once you trust another member completely and implicitly, that’s when the floodgates can open.

You can make 10, 20, or even 30 splits with them. That’s the “sweet spot” of Network membership.

Pillar #4: Active Participation

Did you know that, once upon a time, there were only three Pillars? Then Top Echelon Network members Dan Simmons, CPC and Jim Hipskind, CPC of Continental Search & Outplacement, Inc. suggested that we add this Pillar.

On the one hand, you might think that participating in the Network is a prerequisite for enjoying success in the Network. On the other hand, recruiters sometimes forget that TE is not a “magic money-making machine” and they DO have to make an investment of time, energy, and effort.

The good news is that you don’t have to make a huge investment. However, you do have to take the steps necessary to set yourself up for success.

This means sharing job orders and candidates and being proactive about contacting other recruiters, among other things.

Well, that’s it: The Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network. Follow the blueprint and enjoy more success!

In the meantime, if you’d like to discuss The Four Pillars or your split network membership, I encourage you to contact me. You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

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