First Split Placement = Extra Network Kudos!
Top Echelon Network recruiters love to praise and compliment one another for completed split placements, but when they make their first split placement together, that calls for extra Network kudos!
This week, we have recruiters who made their first split placement and who want to praise each other specifically for that placement.
Instances such as this show the value that the Network can provide, because they illustrate the value from both the importer’s point of view and the exporter’s point of view. When you build a relationship with a great trading partner, it doesn’t matter which side of the placement process you work.
That process will more than likely be a quality experience that results in a placement.
How many split placements like that have you been a part of during the past year? One? Two? More?
If you’re a member of the Network, and you haven’t made a split placement like that, we want to help you do it! Specifically, Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS wants to help you do it. You can contact Drea at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.
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“It’s a real pleasure to work with Amber. She is open about the [job order], giving great insight on what her client wants in a candidate. Amber communicates throughout the process as a candidate is vetted. Even a placement doesn’t result, I leave the search knowing Amber handled my client professionally. It is definitely even better when a placement is the result!”
Submitted by Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions regarding her Network split placement with Amber Schleinkofer of KB Search Team, LLC
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Bateman and Schleinkofer have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“Thank you, Catherine, for all of your support. Your candidates are always spot-on, and we love partnering with you!”
Submitted by Amber Schleinkofer of KB Search Team, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Schleinkofer and Bateman have made together in Top Echelon.)