The Biggest Recruiting Fee of the Month in TE!

When it comes to scoring the biggest recruiting fee in Top Echelon Network, Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPC of the MMS Group is at the head of the class. And that was the case again for the month of October.

That’s because Pamela once again had the biggest fee of the month. Over the past few years, she has consistently landed some of the biggest fees in the Network.

Biggest recruiting fee = $35,530

Pamela, who works primarily in the Healthcare industry, started recruiting in 1985 and joined our elite recruiter network in 2007. Since that time, she’s made a total of 35 Network placements, most of them with large fees.

In fact, here are some of the fees that she’s split with other recruiters in the Network during the past 12 months:

  • $41,800
  • $35,530
  • $33,300
  • $45,000

The fee of $35,530 represents the biggest recruiting fee in the Network for October. Below is all of the pertinent information associated with that fee and the placement that preceded it.

So congratulations to Pamela Ratz DeVille, Steve Kohn, and everybody who made placements in Top Echelon Network (both big and small) during the month of October!

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Largest Split Fee of the Month:

Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

Steve Kohn

Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPC of the MMS Group

Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPC

Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPC of the MMS Group and Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

The position for this split placement was a VP of Finance. DeVille was the job order recruiter, and Kohn was the candidate recruiter.

The action that stimulated this split placement was listed as, “Another Top Echelon Network member’s Job Board.”

The fee for this split placement was $35,530.

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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its Network recruiting awards in four distinct categories, which are listed below:

1.) Recruiter of the Month
2.) Largest Split Fee of the Month
3.) Recruiter of the Quarter
4.) Largest Split Fee of the Quarter

The winners of these awards are only announced in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, usually (but not always) in the issue following the conclusion of each month and/or quarter.

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