40,000 Reasons to Attend TE Connect Fall 2024

Actually, the title of this blog post is a little misleading.

You see, there aren’t 40,000 reasons to attend TE Connect Fall 2024 in Canton, Ohio next month.’

There are actually 40,750 reasons.

That’s because $40,750 is the amount of the placement check that Carol Calvano of Calvano Search Consultants, LLC and Orlando Bullock of KBOtek, LLC split after meeting each other at Top Echelon’s spring convention in Florida.

As you can see by reading Carol’s comments below, the two recruiters had never met, nor talked with each other, prior to meeting earlier this year. Sure, they had to spend money to attend the convention. Sure, they had to take time out of the office. Sure, they had to make an investment of time, energy, and money.

But that investment has paid off, and it can pay off for YOU, too! How? By attending TE Connect Fall 2024 next month!

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Carol Calvano of Calvano Search Consultants, LLC

Carol Calvano

Orlando Bullock of KBOtek LLC

Orlando Bullock

“This placement is a direct result of meeting Orlando and Kaylan at the spring meeting in Florida earlier this year. I was randomly assigned to a seat next to Kaylan [Bullock] at a roundtable discussion, and she thought I should meet Orlando. A few months later, Orlando’s persistence paid off in securing the resume of an initially reluctant candidate. Thanks, Drea and team!”

Submitted by Carol Calvano of Calvano Search Consultants, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Orlando Bullock of KBOtek, LLC


Fee Percentage—25%

Fee Amount—$40,750

(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Carol and Orlando have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Remember that Early Bird Registration for Top Echelon Connect Fall 2024 will remain in effect through Saturday, September 7. The price of Early Bird Registration is $325 per person.

So you should sign up today and save some money!

As we’ve done for our past several recruiter networking events, we have a special website dedicated to Top Echelon Connect Fall 2024.

The URL for that website is connect.topechelon.com. In the meantime . . .

Click HERE to register for TE Connect Fall 2024!

If you have questions about registration (or about any other aspects of the conference), please contact me at 330.595.1742 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.

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