Who’s Responsible for the Turn-Downs on Your Desk?
We’re smack-dab in the middle of our series of blog posts about recruiter polls that involve the current candidates’ market. Last week, we addressed contacting passive candidates at work. This week, we’re addressing the topic of candidate turn-downs.
Nobody likes turn-downs, least of which the recruiter. But whose fault is it? You might be tempted to scream, “It’s the candidate’s fault!” at the top of your lungs. If you fell prey to that temptation, please calm down.
It might be the client’s fault. Or it might be . . . your fault! (Cue the dramatic music.)
Let’s find out what other recruiters think, shall we? Specifically, let’s find out what members of Top Echelon’s recruiting network think . . .
How often are passive candidates upset when you contact them at work?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of split network recruiters that selected each one:
- Clients — 31.3%
- Candidates — 56.6%
- Me — 12.0%
Turn-downs frown upside down
Okay, okay . . . the majority of recruiters think that candidates are most responsible for turn-downs. In fact, 56.6% of them thought so. That does make sense, after all. The word “No” is coming out of the mouth of the candidate, not anybody else.
Then we have the clients. Nearly a third of poll participants (31.3%) pinned the blame on them. That also makes some sense, when you think about it. Perhaps the offer wasn’t that good. It certainly wasn’t good enough to convince the candidate to say “Yes.” At the very least, the client did not “sell” the candidate enough on the opportunity, the organization, or both.
Ah, yes . . . we’ve arrived at the final choice: the recruiter. A full 12% of Network members admitted that the responsibility for turn-downs rests squarely on their shoulders. They believe that they could do more to prevent such a nasty event from happens. Perhaps they could have coached the client more. Maybe they could have prepped the candidate better.
Can a recruiter work a desk and eliminate turn-downs altogether? It’s very difficult, no matter how long and hard they work to do so. Clients don’t come through. Candidates keep ulterior motives (and other offers) hidden. Sometimes, it seems as though the entire world is conspiring against this one deal that you’re trying your best to close.
But take heart. The struggle is real, but you’re certainly not alone.