7 Characteristics of Great Recruiter Relationships
If you’re a member of Top Echelon’s recruiting network, then you want great recruiter relationships. After all, you’ve made split placements a part of your desk, have you not?
Once upon a time, we ran a segment in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog titled “‘Comments’ and Compliments.” In this segment, we highlighted specific TE Network recruiters and the placements they’ve made together. To do so, we used the comments that those recruiters submitted with their Completed Placement Forms.
As you might imagine, trends begin to emerge over time. That’s because certain characteristics almost always lead to success.
In fact, we’ve gathered those certain characteristics together in this blog post. Based upon placements made in TE Network, below are seven characteristics of great recruiter relationships:
The recruiters involved have a desire to make split placements and a desire to work together in a collaborative fashion.
The recruiters may have a desire to make splits and work together initially, but that desire must compel them to fully participate in the “give and take” needed for a successful relationship.
Time kills all deals. That means time is money. That’s why the best relationships include trading partners who respond and who respond quickly.
It’s not just the frequency with which you communicate, but also how well you communicate that makes a big difference.
This speaks to a sense of urgency. If hiring managers must have a sense of urgency, then trading partners must have it, as well.
#6—Niche knowledge
When a recruiter knows their niche thoroughly, that allows them to act quickly to make the correct decisions regarding people and situations.
#7—Candidate assessment
The ability to identify top talent will always give recruiters an edge, no matter if it’s a split placement scenario or a full-fee situation.
Do YOU want more great recruiter relationships in Top Echelon’s split network?
Then contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at 330.595.1742 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.