4 Client Hiring Problems Contract Staffing Can Solve

In this ever-changing employment landscape, sometimes traditional hiring methods just don’t suffice. Increasingly, recruiters are being viewed as strategic partners who are expected to help solve hiring problems, not simply fill job orders.

Are you in the position to serve as this type of strategic partner? If you’re offering contract staffing, then you can confidently say “Yes!”

Below are four client hiring problems that contract staffing can solve:

#1—Fear of hiring

The Stock Market (and the economy) can still be tumultuous at times, so it’s no wonder that some employers don’t want to fully commit to direct hires. Contract staffing offers a risk-free way to bring on help. If business slows or the economy “goes south,” your clients can simply end the contract assignments.

#2—Fear of hiring the wrong person

When companies do need to hire long term, they want to be absolutely certain they have the right person. You can suggest a contract-to-direct arrangement so they can “try-before-they-buy.”

If the person works out, then they can hire them directly (and you can earn a conversion fee). If not, then they can end the contract assignment and try somebody new.

#3—Hiring freezes

Contractors come from a different budget than traditional employees. As a result, they do not represent a permanent investment. Thus, hiring managers have an easier time getting approval for contractors.

Sure, the Great Recession is a distant memory. But uncertainty now appears to be a permanent fixture of our economy, so you want to make sure that you and your agency are ready for it.

#4—Short-term projects

Projects often require additional staff or specialized skills that won’t be needed after the project has been completed. Contract staffing allows companies to ramp up for the project and then scale back down when it’s complete.

For those agency recruiters and search consultants looking to get started with contract staffing, Top Echelon recommends using Foxhire (formerly Top Echelon Contracting). Foxhire serves as the Employer of Record while your contractors perform work at your client companies.

Click HERE for more information about how Foxhire can help you make more placements!

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