Why We Have Eliminated Network Policy #16
We recently announced changes to a couple of the Top Echelon Network Policies. Specifically, those policies were Policy #2 and Policy #8.
This week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, I’d like to announce that we have eliminated an outdated policy. That policy is Top Echelon Network Policy #16, and issue associated with that policy was “How Top Echelon Network Handles ‘John Doe’ Candidates.”
The reason that we eliminated this policy is because “John Doe candidates” no longer exist in the Network software. Previously, these types of candidates represented “a candidate submission to Top Echelon Network without the candidate’s contact information and resume included.”
For reference, below is Top Echelon Network Policy #16 as it was. Now that it has been eliminated from the Network Policies, Policy #`17 has now become Policy #16 and Policy #18 has become Policy #17.
If you have any questions about the following changes, please contact me. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
Top Echelon Network Policy #16 (Eliminated)
Issue: How Top Echelon Network Handles “John Doe” Candidates
Date created: 06/20/1995
Dates revised: 05/18/2007, 8/26/2010
Date eliminated: 08/01/2021
The industry’s “BUT FOR RULE” takes precedence over merely having your candidate listed on the Network.
A “John Doe” candidate is a candidate submission to Top Echelon Network without the candidate’s contact information and resume included. The candidate’s name, address, phone number, current employer, etc., are all omitted. A “John Doe” submission is simply a blinded candidate profile.
The following five rules illustrate Top Echelon Network’s policy for handling “John Doe” candidates:
Rule #1: Top Echelon Network will allow “John Doe” candidates to be submitted by any Member for any reason.
Rule #2: A candidate submitted as a “John Doe” will consist of the candidate’s profile (Resume Data Sheet —RDS) only. Actual resumes will not be included with “John Doe” candidates. NOTE: “John Doe” candidates were initially intended to be a vehicle to submit a blinded profile for a candidate. The Top Echelon Network software does not permit the uploading of a resume with a “John Doe” candidate.
Rule #3: Top Echelon Network will not attempt to prevent the duplication of “John Doe” candidate profiles. NOTE: Top Echelon Network does not attempt to stop duplication of “John Doe” candidates because we do not know the candidate’s identity, nor do we have the candidate’s resume.
Rule #4: Top Echelon Network Members are free to specify any fee they desire on any candidate they submit to Top Echelon Network, including “John Doe” candidates.
Rule #5: Top Echelon Network will purge a “John Doe” candidate after a period of three months, as opposed to the six-month period for all other full-contact candidates.