What Makes a Great Trading Partner Relationship?
Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS asked a great question in our previous blog post:
Are you sending gifts to your trading partners?
Well, I happen to have another such great question in THIS blog post, and that question is as follows:
What makes a great trading partner relationship?
Although Drea didn’t have an answer to his question, I have an answer to mine! That’s because I profiled “The Most Successful Relationship in TE History” a couple of weeks ago. That relationship exists between Network recruiters Donna Carroll, CPC of Systems Personnel and Gary Silver of The Shay Group.
We’ve profiled Donna and Gary in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog in the past, chronicling why they’re so success as trading partners. However, the duo wanted to further elaborate on why they’ve made 53 split placements together during their time in the Network.
Below is what they had to say:
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“In business, it’s pretty wonderful to find a partner that you trust implicitly, know their personal style, can count on to back you up, and to lift you up when needed. Sometimes we tell each other to step back and reflect when a hiring manager takes the process a bit off the tracks.
“We give each other support and advice on non-business topics, as well. But more importantly, we often harass each other, much like peers on a sports team. We have partnered on accounts and by doing so, actually won new business together. Using our different strengths and capabilities makes us greater than the sum of the parts we each bring to the table. And we certainly look forward to doing that for some time down the road.”
Submitted jointly by Donna Carroll, CPC of Systems Personnel and Gary Silver of The Shay Group
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Do YOU have a trading partner relationship like this one? Obviously, you don’t have one that has produced over 50 split placements in the Network, but do you have one that could produce that many placements? Do you have one with the potential for that kind of production?
If so, nurture that relationship! Help it grow and continue to evolve. If not, contact us to find out how you can build such a relationship. A great first step is contacting Drea at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.