Top Echelon Network Policy Change: Policy #14
The Top Echelon Network Policies have been the rules of engagement in Top Echelon since the beginning in 1988. These policies create the guidelines on how members should conduct business with one another.
In a world where technology grows and has a constant effect on how we operate and conduct business, our Policies must reflect and adapt to those technological advancements.
This brings us to the case-in-point, which is Top Echelon Network Policy #14: Advertising Another Top Echelon Network Member’s Job Order. This policy has gone through many changes in the 30 years of its existence. Its original design in 1992 was to prevent split jobs that were shared through the Network from being posted in trade magazines, newspapers, and other publications. Currently, technological advancements have created an environment with the Internet where it’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to control how public information is consumed and distributed.
Consequently, we have added an addendum to Top Echelon Network Policy #14: Advertising Another Top Echelon Network Member’s Job Order to accommodate these changes. As a company, we have tried for years to stop bots/spiders/data scrapers from picking up jobs on the TEN Feed and placing them elsewhere. We have found that is an impossible task. As the policy states, we do ask that you be mindful of the information on your TEN Feed and not direct any tool to capture that data and send it to other sites.
However, if an automated bot/spider/data tool does “scrape” a member’s jobs posted on another member’s company website through the TEN Feed, the recruiter whose website was “scraped” will not be held liable, as it was not something within their control.
Please see the current Policy #14 with the Last Revised Date of 12/7/2011 and the new and revised Policy #14 with a Last Revised Date of 5/4/2022 below.
If you have any questions about the following changes, please contact me. You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
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Top Echelon Network Policy #14 (Original)
Issue: Advertising Another Top Echelon Network Member’s Job Order
Created Date: 02/20/1992
Last Revised Date: 12/7/11
Do NOT advertise or re-post another Top Echelon Network member’s job order on the Internet or in any other medium (print or digital) without that member’s PRIOR written permission. A copy of that written permission must be sent to the Top Echelon Network offices via email or letter.
Spirit of This Policy:
Some of the common problems that arise from re-posting another Network member’s job order without their prior written permission include the following:
- If the recruiter submitting the job order later modifies the job order, the modifications won’t be re-posted by the recruiter doing the re-posting.
- Recruiters doing the re-posting may be duplicating the job order recruiter’s own posting efforts without their knowledge, quite possibly on the same websites.
- In years past, recruiters who re-posted other Network members’ job orders did so with the intention of using the job orders as bait to collect candidates for themselves . . . and not really with the intention of making split placements.
Again, please be advised that if you wish to advertise or re-post another Network member’s job order on the Internet or in any other medium (print or digital), you must obtain that member’s PRIOR written permission. In addition, a copy of that written permission must be sent to the Top Echelon Network offices via email or letter.
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Top Echelon Network Policy #14 (Revised)
Issue: Advertising Another Top Echelon Network Member’s Job Order
Created Date: 02/20/1992
Last Revised Date: 05/04/2022
Do NOT advertise or re-post another Top Echelon Network member’s job order on the Internet or in any other medium (print or digital) without that member’s PRIOR written permission. A copy of that written permission must be sent to the Top Echelon Network offices via email or letter.
Spirit of This Policy:
Some of the common problems that arise from re-posting another Network member’s job order without their prior written permission include the following:
- If the recruiter submitting the job order later modifies the job order, the modifications won’t be re-posted by the recruiter doing the re-posting.
- Recruiters doing the re-posting may be duplicating the job order recruiter’s own posting efforts without their knowledge, quite possibly on the same websites.
- In years past, recruiters who re-posted other Network members’ job orders did so with the intention of using the job orders as bait to collect candidates for themselves . . . and not really with the intention of making split placements.
Again, please be advised that if you wish to advertise or re-post another Network member’s job order on the Internet or in any other medium (print or digital), you must obtain that member’s PRIOR written permission. In addition, a copy of that written permission must be sent to the Top Echelon Network offices via email or letter.
However, due to the nature of the Internet, automated mechanisms randomly “scrape” the websites of Network agencies, including other Network members’ jobs advertised through the TEN Feed. Over the years, Top Echelon has attempted to stop these automated mechanisms from “scraping” the TEN Feed, but it has proven to be virtually impossible. In a situation in which this happens, the agency owner whose website has been “scraped” will not be liable for the actions of these automated mechanisms.