There’s a Story Behind Every Split Placement in TE
Every week, split placements are made by Top Echelon Network recruiters. And those split placements are very similar to fingerprints.
Namely, no two split placements are exactly the same.
Sure, some might be similar, but they’re not exactly the same. Even if the recruiters involved are the same, the circumstances are always different.
As a result, there’s a story behind every split placement in Top Echelon. As you might imagine, it’s impossible to detail every one of those stories, but we highlight as many as we can. In certain cases, we go in-depth to explore the intricacies of a particular placement.
In this week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we have three more “split placement stories,” as told by the recruiters involved. All of these stories, of course, have happy endings—a big, fat placement fee.
Like the placement fees enjoyed by the recruiters below. If you have a split placement story that you’d like to share with the rest of the Network membership, send your information to marketing@topechelon.com, OR you can just include it with your completed placement form.
Enjoy this week’s stories!
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Deb North
“I got lucky and saw that Wendy Johnson posted that she had hired Sara and that she had some extra bandwidth. I’m excited that Sara is a part of TopHire. They are definitely a top-notch and fun group of ladies (and Pete). She originally sent me this candidate for another job, but because he was local, I marketed his skills and found another ‘home’ for him! Thank you, TopHire, for sharing Sara, and thank you, Sara, for giving me some bandwidth!”
Submitted by Deb North of Deb North Consulting, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Sara Rich of Top Hire Recruitment
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that North and Rich have made together in Top Echelon.)
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Sara Gallagher

Trey Cameron
“I have enjoyed working with Trey this past month. His enthusiasm for recruiting is inspiring. In the past month, we have three split placements totaling $48,100. I look forward to each of Trey’s emails that has a ‘WOOT WOOT!’ Thanks, Trey, for providing us candidates, and I look forward to working with you again soon! I am also looking forward to having a hat trick with another firm in the near future.”
Submitted by Sara Gallagher of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that Gallagher and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon.)
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Steve Kohn
“As always, Steve has been fantastic to work with. He knows his people, he is always willing to help wherever he can, and he’s proactive. He’s also a lot of fun to work with. It’s about time we got one, the first of many to come! Thanks, Steve!”
Submitted by Chris Shoulet of Top Dog Recruiting regarding her Network split placement with Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Shoulet and Kohn have made together in Top Echelon.)