The Top Recruiters in TE During the Month of July

Brad Dodge of iLocatum Recruiting has been “on fire” as a member of Top Echelon Network recently. (Figuratively and not literally . . . as far as we know.)

So it should come as no surprise that Brad is the Recruiter of the Month in the Network for the month of July!

However, as you can see below, other recruiters certainly earned a hefty return on their monthly investment in Top Echelon’s recruiting network. While the monthly membership fee is $150, the cash-in numbers below certainly dwarf that number from a business perspective.

In addition, below is the information that we include with the Recruiter of the Month feature in Top Echelon Network:

  1. The top five (5) recruiters for the month.
  2. The cash-in total for each recruiter during the month. (We base the order of the recruiters on their amount of cash-in dollars, as opposed to the number of split placements they’ve made.)
  3. The number of splits that the recruiters made during the month.
  4. The number of splits each recruiter has made during their Network career.
  5. Each recruiter’s cash-in total for their Network career.

With this format, it’s more likely that there will be ties among recruiters, especially with those Network members who have made split placements with each other.

Congratulations to the recruiters listed below . . . and congratulations to every Network member who made a split placement (or multiple splits) during the month!

Recruiters of the Month – July 2024

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First Place:

Brad Dodge of iLocatum Recruiting

Brad Dodge

Recruiter: Brad Dodge
Agency: iLocatum Recruiting
Placements: Nine (9)
Cash-in total: $72,253.10
Career Top Echelon placements: 163
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $1,246,991.07

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Second Place:

Sarah Katz of First Search, Inc.

Sarah Katz

Recruiter: Sarah Katz 
Agency: First Search, Inc.
Placements: Four (4)
Cash-in total: $51,183.00
Career Top Echelon placements: 29
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $307,624.16

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Third Place:

David Wood of The David Wood Company

David Wood

Recruiter: David Wood, CPC 
Agency: The David Wood Company
Placements: Two (2)
Cash-in total: $40,655.00
Career Top Echelon placements: 115
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $1,239,594.94

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Fourth Place:

Russ Hovendick of Client Staffing Solutions, Inc.

Russ Hovendick

Recruiter: Russ Hovendick
Agency: Client Staffing Solutions, Inc.
Placements: Two (2)
Cash-in total: $34,192.50
Career Top Echelon placements: 26
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $267,858.00

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Fifth Place:

Steve Copeland of fulltimeGiGs

Steve Copeland

Recruiter: Steve Copeland
Agency: fulltimeGiGS/Albert Energy LLC
Placements: One (1)
Cash-in total: $29,375.00
Career Top Echelon placements: 62
Career Top Echelon cash-in: $512,992.38

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If YOU want to make more money through Top Echelon’s recruiter network, then contact Director of Network Operations, Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can reach Drea by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

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