TE Recruiters’ Biggest Strength and Biggest Weakness
Top Echelon Network recruiters have opinions aplenty. And they’re not shy about sharing them. That’s why our Members’ Area poll questions are so popular.
But do they have opinions about . . . themselves? Of course they do!
And to prove that, we asked we asked a series of two poll questions recently. The first question was as follows:
What is your biggest strength as a recruiter?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of Network recruiters that selected each one:
- Sourcing — 25.0%
- Marketing — 20.8%
- Screening/interviewing — 29.2%
- Negotiation — 6.2%
- Closing — 10.4%
- Some other strength — 8.3%
And then on the heels of that question, we asked THIS one:
What is your biggest weakness as a recruiter?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of Network recruiters that selected each one:
- Sourcing — 16.2%
- Marketing — 51.2%
- Screening/interviewing — 5.0%
- Negotiation — 3.8%
- Closing — 0.0%
- Some other weakness — 23.8%
Strength vs. weakness
Okay, let’s point out the obvious first (obviously). Overall, TE recruiters believe their #1 strength lies in “screening/interviewing” with 29.2% of the vote. However, that was just one of three responses that garnered at least 20%. The other two were “sourcing” at 25.0% and “marketing” (20.8%).
Interestingly enough, only 10.4% of recruiters identified “closing” as their biggest strength. That’s interesting because closing is one of the most important parts of the placement process. You can make placements unless you’re able to close and close consistently.
So let’s “flip the script,” so to speak. When it came to the biggest weakness, not one single recruiter identified “Closing” as their biggest weakness. So while it’s not their biggest strength, it might be their second or third-biggest.
What IS TE recruiters’ biggest weakness, at least according to them, is “Marketing.” More than half of poll participants (51.2%) chose that as their answer. After that, there was a big drop-off. In fact, 23.8% of recruiters indicated that “Some other weakness” is their biggest weakness. (Once again, illustrating the limitations of a poll question as opposed to a survey.) The only other category in double digits was “Sourcing” at 16.2%.
So the biggest strength? Screening and interviewing candidates.
The biggest weakness? Marketing.
First and foremost, recruiters are recruiters. They are not marketers. Recruiters recruit well, that’s how they make money. They don’t market well, even though that might make them more money.
And judging by the results of these polls, TE recruiters are also honest and objective. (Which is why they’re Network members in the first place.)
If you want to maximize your strengths and improve your weaknesses within TE, then contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.