TE Members Close Out the Year with Big Money
Everybody wants to finish strong, including recruiters. Sure, the end of the year is a time to relax with the holidays and all, but that doesn’t mean you don’t care about making money along the way.
And now that 2019 is here, we can look back at the final month of 2018. And when we do, we see that there were some Top Echelon members who closed out the year with big money!
Big money recruiters
Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group “ruled the roost” again during the month of December. He raked in over $100K in December. However, there were plenty of other recruiters who closed out the year with big money, as well.
For example, Shree Kumar of Max Populi, LLC earned over $50K through the Top Echelon recruiter network during the month. Melissa Truax of Premier Health Careers, Inc./Premier Paths accounted for over $25K.
As we discussed last week, the ROI of making just one split placement in Top Echelon is close to 600%. A Top Echelon recruiting agency pays $1,560 in Network dues over the course of the year. Considering how much the recruiters below earned in TE split placements during December, the Network dues their agency paid in 2018 are miniscule by comparison.
If you’re looking to make big money in Top Echelon Network in 2019, then we want to help. Specifically, Director of Network Operations, Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS wants to help the most. You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
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Recruiters of the Month:
1st Place: Trey Cameron
Agency: Cameron Craig Group
Placements: Fourteen (14)
Commission: $115,472
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2nd Place: Shree Kumar
Agency: Max Populi, LLC
Placements: Three (3)
Commission: $51,512
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3rd Place: Melissa Truax
Agency: Premier Health Careers, Inc./Premier Paths
Placements: Three (3)
Commission: $25,208
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4th Place: Kristy Staggs
Agency: Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.
Placements: Three (3)
Commission: $23,218
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5th Place: Robert Alexander
Agency: System Technology International, Inc.
Placements: Three (3)
Commission: $17,670
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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its split recruiting awards based upon two criteria, which are listed below in order of importance:
1.) The number of split placements made
2.) The amount of “cash-in” dollars earned as a result of those split placements
This explains why, when multiple recruiters are tied with the same number of TE placements during a given month or quarter, the recruiter with the largest “cash-in” total is ultimately deemed the winner.