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The Copelands and Debra StittTHE THREE AMIGOS: Pictured are Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiters networking face-to-face earlier this month.  From left—Pam Copeland of fulltimeGiGS/Albert Energy, LLC; Steve Copeland of fulltimeGiGS/Albert Energy, LLC; and Debra Stitt, CPC of Quality Source Inc. of Ohio.

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We at Top Echelon Network are continually emphasizing that Preferred Members should engage in recruiter networking on a face-to-face basis.  That’s one of the many reasons we hold a National Convention and a Fall Conference every year.  But we also like to encourage meeting Network recruiters outside of those events, as well, and as often as possible.

The above photo was recently sent to Top Echelon by Network recruiter Steve Copeland of fulltimeGiGS/Albert Energy, LLC.

Two weeks ago, we published a photo of Copeland and Network recruiter Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search.  Last week, we published a photo of Steve Copeland and Pam Copeland with Dan Rappaport and Aaron Rappaport of Business Answers Int’l.

This week, we have a photo of Steve Copeland and Pam Copeland with Network recruiter Debra Stitt, CPC of Quality Source Inc. of Ohio.  The three recruiters met together for this impromptu photo opportunity in Boyton Beach, Florida.

Not only is more recruiter networking beneficial in terms of building business and personal relationships, but you can also earn Frequent Placer Program (FPP) points for such meetings when you report them to Top Echelon and submit a photo . . . like the one above!  FPP rewards points are redeemed as a cash-back bonus for Preferred Member recruiters at the end of every calendar year.

If you have information and/or a photo of you networking face-to-face with another Preferred Member recruiter, please send that information to!