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We can’t wait for you to “meet” the exciting new Professional Tier features of our recruiting software on Friday, September 1, so we thought we’d give you a sneak-peek!

In case you missed it, here is August’s Training Tuesday webinar recording, during which Top Echelon Success Manager J.D. walks viewers through some of the new features.

You can also read about the new features of the Professional Tier below.

Automations: Ever wished you could automate something simple like an early-stage rejection email? Our Automations feature will let you do just that, and we’re adding new Automation Triggers and Actions all the time.

When you disqualify a candidate in your Inbox or other early stage (Trigger), let TE send the candidate a short, sweet, personalized rejection email (Action) or even invite them to apply for your other positions.

Forms: Do you wish you could have a more complete picture of a new candidate as soon as they apply to your job? Set up a custom Form to ask any questions you’d like to have saved to fields in TE or straight to a PDF for questions that don’t have fields.

Get all the answers that a simple resume can’t give you and more quickly qualify or disqualify new candidates as they come in!

Organizational Chart: Larger teams require structure, and now Top Echelon will let you record that structure among your users. When managing or creating users, list who reports to whom and allow that new structure to flow through to your Reporting.

We can hardly wait to enable your Professional Tier trial next week so you can get your hands on these shiny new features.

You’ll be able to find them when you login on September 1!

Okay, by now you should know about the dates of Top Echelon Connect Fall 2023, the event formerly known as the Fall Conference. You should also know that registration for the event is well underway.

Barb Bruno, CPC/CTS of Good as Gold Training

Barb Bruno, CPC/CTS

And you might even know that esteemed industry trainer Barb Bruno, CPC/CTS of Good as Gold Training is the keynote speaker for the conference. But even if you know all of that, I’m here with more information.

This new information involves the titles and descriptions of the specific sessions that Barb will be presenting to Top Echelon Network members in Chicago next month. Since you may not have checked out the preliminary agenda for TE Connect Fall 2023, I thought I’d save you the trouble and publish Barb’s sessions in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

You’re welcome.

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Title: “Adaptation: The Workforce and Workplace Have Rapidly Changed . . . Have You?”
Date: Tuesday, September 19
Time: 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

The workforce and workplace don’t even resemble what they were two years ago. The only way you can take advantage of the trends in your favor is to change the way you work your desk. Some of the topics Barb Bruno will address include:

  • Impact of your attitude
  • Current candidate realities
  • Current client realities
  • Does your “automatic pilot” limit your success?
  • Your brand and differentiators

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Title: “Protect Your Business Today and in the Future”
Date: Tuesday, September 19
Time: 11:15 a.m. to noon

You are facing challenges, requests, and issues that never existed before recent trends have impacted our profession and your business. During this session, Barb will take a hard look at changes you can implement that will grow profits while simultaneously protecting yourself and your business. Barb will address the following topics:

  • Lead vs. Manage
  • Seven strategies to consistently increase profits
  • Protect yourself and your business
  • Manage by numbers, not emotion
  • Forty percent (40%) of your business should be the result of referrals

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Title: “Fill More of the Business You Write”
Date: Tuesday, September 19
Time: 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Imagine the impact on your production and income if you filled most of the business you wrote. Are your job orders and contracts a laundry list of skills that often screen great candidates out of consideration? Do your clients understand what is most important to today’s workforce? During this session, Barb will address the following:

  • Obtaining client leads when recruiting
  • Seven elements of a viable job order or contract
  • Writing business that is part of your client’s marketing collateral
  • Elevating your relationships to friend
  • Following up and nurturing

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Title: “Be a Fly on the Wall: Prepare for Future Trends”
Date: Wednesday, September 20
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the closed doors of your clients and prospects? Have you imagined the value of knowing the greatest frustrations, challenges, issues, and trends that your clients will face moving forward? Barb has written 18 courses for LinkedIn Learning (with over 3 million participants) addressing our end users and participants on calls with business leaders on a regular basis. During this session, she will share what she’s learned with YOU:

  • Greatest challenges facing prospects and clients
  • The global workforce
  • Impact of remote work
  • AI and technology
  • Anticipating trends

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How and where to register

Now . . . how can you register for Top Echelon Connect Fall 2023? Once again, we have a special website for conference registration. Click here to visit that website, which contains the following information:

  • The preliminary agenda
  • A link to register for the conference
  • A link to book your room at the Sheraton O’Hare Suites

Or, if you want to “cut right to the chase,” you can click the link below to register for Top Echelon Connect Fall 2023:

Yes, I want to register!

It’s a proven fact that attending our events helps recruiters enjoy more success as members of Top Echelon’s split network. This event will be no different. I can promise you that there will be sessions and activities specifically designed to help increase your billings. And I don’t mean just your TE billings. I mean your overall billings, as well.

So sign up and make some placements!

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

Yes, we did invite you to follow Top Echelon Software on LinkedIn in last week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

However, so that we can focus more on split placements in a deliberate fashion, we’ve created a LinkedIn page specifically for Top Echelon Network.

This page is separate from the Top Echelon Software page, and as such, will contain different information. The Top Echelon Network page will consist of all things split placements and recruiter networking. We will post and share any and everything that we believe will help you make more splits and generate more revenue for your agency.

Yes, we will share some of the information contained in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog on this page. However, there will also be a lot other information specific to splits on the Top Echelon Network LinkedIn page.

Please note: This is NOT a private page, nor a private group. While the majority of followers might be Top Echelon Network members, non-members will also be able to join. (There might be a four-step screening process to join the Network, but there is not one to follow this page.)

I know we’re asking a lot, requesting that you follow us on not one, but TWO LinkedIn pages. But we’d appreciate it if you did and we thank you in advance for doing so. Not that we’re automatically assuming that you’re going to, or anything like that . . . we’re not taking your loyalty for granted, if that’s what you think . . . never mind. Just click the link below to follow us:

Follow Top Echelon NETWORK on LinkedIn!

Great! Now that you’ve followed the Top Echelon Network AND Top Echelon Software pages on LinkedIn, you can never get away from us! We’re everywhere!
